
Lol what is this revisionist history. I don’t own Apple products and that will probably continue but this completely ignores how much better the iPhone was at the time. BB had their own thing going on and they were doing well, but I had tried multiple touch screen phones before the iPhone and they were mid at best. It

If you’re dumb enough to give Musk your money, I have zero sympathy for you.

What, pray tell, is a rolling bolder?

Hey, nothing says “let the free market decide” like the government quashing the competition!

Something something party of small government, blah blah blah free market, yak yak yak freedumb. 

if you’re registered head to a poll (and don’t vote GOP), if you’re eligible and not registerered, register asap. No matter what grief you have with Biden or the dems (and many griefs are legitimate) not voting and not voting dem have short and long term consequences that we can not take lightly. 

That’s a widespread myth, but exists neither in the California DMV Handbook nor in the actual law (even though even some police officers believe this myth). The only “3 second” rule that exists in the Handbook is the following distance.

You’re not killing anything at the speed you do a “california stop” through.  If you kill someone at a stop sign, it’s not because you rolled through it slowly. No, that’s called blowing through a stop. That’s completely different.

Actually I am speaking from experience with two stop signs within a mile of my house that get blown through all of the time.

Why am I not surprised that ex-LAPD’s first response is to threaten violence.

And every morning when you wake up, you could stand on your head.

Stopping for two seconds is inefficient in time, energy, and morale when there is absolutely no one in sight.

We really should be putting up yield signs where 75% of stop signs are at

Maybe Elon should expand on how people who care about climate change are communists. That’ll get people rushing to hand him money for climate-friendly vehicles.

These cars are already 25K cars. Musk just doesn’t know it yet.

Nope. Those companies will push excess inventory out to their dealers-which is typically what happens when supply outpaces demand. But you’re probably a Musk fanboi and just wanna whine.

I wouldn’t buy one of these things for a negative interest rate.

If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that none - ZERO - of the metal body panels have significantly changed, if at all, over the lifetime of the vehicles. That goes for Model S, X, 3, Y...none!

The Model Y is basically the Model 3 with a slightly different aspect ratio. But it’s weird how much more repugnant the Model Y looks.

What the hell happened to Tesla’s styling, anyway? The Model S is quite striking, and the Model 3 isn’t bad either. Then along comes the Model Y -- combining the blandness of a Camry with the ungainliness of a Pontiac Aztek or BMW X6.