
That is also the problem with traffic laws that vary from state-to-state. When my son moved from one state to another he ended up getting a ticket for a left turn into the right lane rather than the left most lane. It was perfectly legal in the state he came from.

Owning a Tesla may have been showing off 6 years ago but now there are so many Teslas in my area that they are generally ignored.

I’m going to have to agree with Musk here. He is a bigger dick than Zuckerberg.

I’m unclear how you can get your leg at a 90 degree angle while breaking. Perhaps a 45 degree angle?

I have a 20 year old Lexus GS300 that is fantastically reliable. I have had no problems getting parts for it for standard maintenance or the few defective parts over the years.

During this whole episode my wife kept saying over and over “This is SO stupid” After it was over she asked me what I thought. I replied, “It was pretty stupid” ... My wife generally loves superhero shows but is definitely hating this one so far.