
This is basically it, right? Trains are good for 30 years, airplanes are good for 50+, there’s no reason why a car should be disposable after 8 if it’s well maintained. 

Kinda shocking how many original cast members are no longer with us. :(

I get the reasoning for having something like this. Absolutely 100% get it.

Yes, that’s the exact point I was making?

Want more bang for your buck? These 25 cities are the place to live...

Where your money goes farther, but your rights are restricted unless you’re a white Christian cis-male. 

Touring driver here. I’ve had my car for 2.5 months, and have put 2k miles on it so far. I love it. I chose the Lucid after doing lots of research. The Model S felt like an expensive version of my Model 3, and I wasn’t interested in spending double the money for small bumps in interior space and range. The EQS was a

If I ever have $115k to spend on a car, this is it.

Absolutely. As an EV driver, this headline does not pass the smell test. Can’t believe the editors didn’t catch this, though they probably got paid extra to let it slip through.

That’s another myth. ICE engines have a finite life too. Modern it EV batteries last longer than the life of the car. There’s first gen Tesla’s still on the road with hundreds of thousands of miles on them. They may not have the full range they had when brand new, but usually they won’t have lost at most about 20%

Engines have a finite life, and the replacement cost is usually very high as well. I have a 2014 Ford Shelby GT500. Grenaded the engine after 110,000 miles - something gave in the main bearings and now there’s metal shards in the oil. Point is, Ford quoted me $40,000 for a new longblock. (It’s rather rare.) I can get

This is an anti EV thing that AEG’s been pushing for years, even Jalopnik’s sister site has an article debunking this

Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.

My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.

My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.

People arent leasing right now because the manufacturers have completely stopped subventing lease rates and residuals.

Anything from Masonry. The Masonry Urus that just got posted is a stark reminder that they can ruin anything. Here is a recent Masonry Rolls Royce Dawn. I’ll leave you to find your own eye bleach.

I would strongly suggest against using a browser you’ve never heard of if it’s just a fork of Firefox with some extra addons preinstalled or some configuration files changed. The problem with forks is that if they’re meaningfully changing the code, the app maintainers need to constantly re-base the code from the upstre

also gonna push back against James’ attempt to gaslight us into thinking this season wasn’t fantastic. 

The Three texas’ shredded a sovereign class. They seem to be an autonomous upgrade to the defiant, which was the first ship designed entirely for combat. Which makes the whole second contact bit seem strange. Second contact is about diplomacy, not just dropping supplies. Seems to me that the texas would have been much

I had very few complaints with this season. It was a lot of fun. 

This episode makes a great comparison point to the last act of the Rise of Skywalker, in how it had the ‘big fleet shows up at the last minute to save the day’ moment. In RoS it really does feel like it comes out of nowhere, the fleet of ships feels anonymous and it has no real impact on the viewer. The same mistake