
Maybe not the hero they wanted... but the hero they deserved.

The first two episodes were great.

Except that’s a lie, considering it is sitting at 84% on Rotten Tomatoes (one point more than House of the Dragon).

My favorite is still wypipo complaining Star Trek is too woke. You know, the franchise that was noted for breaking several important interracial taboos and diversity barriers on TV 60 years ago.

The fact that the trolls are mad because their are black people in this show is just hilarious.

“The ultimate protection against trolls is writing a top notch script and sticking the landing with the execution.”

Not a representative audience at all, but I saw so many vocal Tolkien “fans” who were determined to hate this show (for a wide variety of absurd/racist reasons) that I wouldn’t trust any aggregate review numbers. I’ll just gauge it the old-fashioned way - watching the fucking show and judging for myself.

Same... Unless they’re selling cookies.

I dunno what was worse, the extremely forced Dany meltdown that should’ve been built up over multiple episodes that the showrunners were given the option for and refused, or Euron Greyjoy being a cartoonish supervillain that kept Cersei’s faction relevant via sheer plot armor.

I’ve thought about this.
There’s a finite number of phone numbers isn’t there?
If I change my number, which receives it’s fair number of spam calls, what are the odds the the new number isn’t already on a bunch of robo-call lists?

Unless you’re wanting it so that a specific person doesn’t have your number, changing your phone number is pointless.

That, and they probably have to justify the new campus they just built. Didn’t they spend several billion on it? Only to have to send everyone home and (I assume) leave it empty for the last 2 (going on 3) years.

I was losing two hours of my day.

Exactly this. If most of the world were vaccinated, and didn’t mind proving it without the unvaccinated calling it Nazism, then sure, no more masks. I have a four year old with asthma who had to be in the hospital last year. He’ll get vaccinated the minute he’s eligible. And sure, we flew with him pre-covid and

With the exception that one of the unmasked idiots might give it to me, I’d take it home and it would kill my wife or my 91yo dad. She’s seriously immunocompromised, just like any number of other folks dealing with chemo or similar immunocompromised conditions.

We’re kind of tired of having done all we can to with

Airbags are primarily because people refused to wear seat belts. Often it was “I don’t like my clothing to be wrinkled.” Unlike the “false equivalency” claim, not wearing a mask can lead to the tax payer footing the bill for the excess drains on emergency care that are easily avoidable; we haven’t gotten to the place

Using proper masks reduces spread by 53% which still has a significant impact on those vaccinated due to Omicron’s ability to slip by the first level of your immune system. It’s just a mask, if you are flying domestically (excluding Hawaii) you might need it for five hours on the plane. Deplane anyone who is too

EXCEPT.................the airlines own the planes, run the routes, etc. It’s THEIR company. If they say “On our planes we insist on masks” either comply, find a airline with different views, or f’in walk.

Yeah, that sucks. Individual results aren’t representative of the overall effect. Even with airbags and seatbelts people die in car crashes. Are you suggesting we remove those features from cars because they don’t always work?

They do get sick. They just don’t have severe symptoms. And being sick without symptoms means they can pass that illness to everyone around them. So they go to daycare, cough on their little friends, and one of them goes home and gives it to Grandma.