
free to licensed techs

As a technician, I appreciate....deeply.....the amount of data that my scan tool provides me. I want to see it ALL. I want to see what the ECU sees when I press a window button, activate a dome light, or what gear is being commanded.

I also want to see freeze frame data from when your MIL illuminated. What was the

Oh stop the bullshit. In 2016, Hillary Clinton *conceded* the day after the networks called it. Democrats filed zero lawsuits contesting the election, and took zero cases to the supreme Court to attempt to throw out the results. There was never a left-wing mob storming the capital to try to stop the certification of

One does not “hedge your bet” with fascists.

Clinton conceded the election; and let’s not forget that Trump even went so far as to say he wouldn’t consider the election to be legitimate if he lost. Don’t be an idiot.

Oh yeah, remember back in 2016 when Hillary alleged massive voter fraud based on zero evidence and refused to concede when she lost, and then convinced her supporters to accept an easily disproven lie, and then her supporters stormed the Capitol to reverse the outcome of the election and subvert the democratic

Only one party supports a violent overthrow based the proven lies of a gameshow host.

The one that ended up with the Capital being sacked and some people dying during an attempt to pressure the sitting VP to not certify the election while a bunch of sitting Representatives and Senators were trying to cynically get Congress to not certify the election results. 

Which party incited it’s followers to storm congress in an attempt to disrupt the certification of an election?

Yeah, I don’t think people realize that the books, if adapted accurately, would be extremely dull television. They’re philosophical adventures where most of the action consists of people having conversations or arguments.

I was expecting this to be a way to sideload the apps like in android in windows 11 (since likely the actual software for running them is already in windows 11) but instead it’s just “use an emulator” like you couldn’t already do that in windows 10.

This “solution” has nothing to do with Windows 11.  Any version of Windows can do this.

The numbers came from the video I linked, the math I did on a calculator.

Oh, and you’re right, there are no ill effects at all to getting crude oil out of the ground.

I do a couple of 900 mile trips a year with the family. It’s usually 2 5-10 minute stops and 2 30-45 minute stops. With fast charging at each stop and 500 miles of range, I’d never even get nervous.

Yup. THAT should be the headline here. It’s easy for people to dismiss Lucid as being too expensive - the Dream certainly is that. But they are showing that they can beat Tesla both at the top and bottom end of the product range they’ve decided they want to play in (for now). Here’s to them (and their design language)

These arguments are getting ridiculous now.

I read this earlier today on Automotive News, but what’s getting overlooked is that for a whopping $30,000 less than the Dream Range you can get the Grand Touring on 19" wheels and only give up four rated miles of range. And honestly the difference between 800hp and 933hp is basically arguments at the bar.

That may be true - but anyone who drives 400+ miles with one 5 minute gas stop must be driving in a car brimming with piss-filled gatorade bottles.

Agreed. A crossover would make so much more business sense.

Generally, yes. There are clear instructions and most fire departments are proactive and train for this kind of thing.