There would be no panic buying if everyone was driving electric.
There would be no panic buying if everyone was driving electric.
Best way to avoid getting sick on a cruise ship is to avoid going on a cruise ship.
We need to hurl this back at all of the carriers and tell them that enough is enough! Stop charging an arm and a leg for data! Take a page from Europe/Korea and have some lower prices with truly unlimited everything. (UnlEU/Asia is about $40 at the max, $20 is normal) Yes, population density is a factor, but the…
careful with that a/c advice. if you live in a very humid area even turning it up to 85 for a week could turn your house into a swamp to rival Dagobah welcoming you home to musty/moldy goodness
I switched to DigitalOcean a few months ago and couldn’t be happier. It’s not quite as simplified as some but is the most extensive of the cheap options I’ve found.
I switched to DigitalOcean a few months ago and couldn’t be happier. It’s not quite as simplified as some but is the…
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services
We are Froot.
You aren’t looking at Romans chapter 1. The basic message there is that recognizing, accepting and glorifying God is acceptance of reality. The more detached from God, and by extension reality, the more given to depravity and delusion you are. Included are what we may consider routine sin such as slander, etc, but…
What is the best case Ontario?
Manufacturers specified viscosity and grade, filled to the specified level, with a side of pancakes drowned in maple syrup.
Sweet article. Also it’s pronounced JIF.
In the world of U.S. diplomacy, back channels of communication between governments exist for various reasons. But…
Some people just want to watch the doughnuts burn.
Listen, if I want to put a powdered jelly donut on the grill you can’t stop me. I might regret it, but you can’t stop me.
If you care about your relationship with your neighbors you should also not cut your lawn at 8 in the morning on the wknd.
that’s fair, let me dig around a bit more and rework that (also added in a note about SSD)
You need to upgrade your internet package to the ‘Gold’ tier to be able to access that.
(Cisco Certified Network engineer here, since you seem to think education outweighs talking points)
Gun probably required for all of the Bernie supporters who no longer want to “share the wealth.”
That was my first thought as well. Messy cables drive me insane.