
Love it!
Sound advice... there’s a pun hiding there

I told my mum when I am to be placed in such a position as to have a screeching nightmare that we’ll get some good earbuds and good-fitting earmuffs, turn up the music and my ears will be protected while waiting for the wails to wane...

This is awesome!

Speaking of ads and gaming the system. with how my adblock is setup (thanks /r/pihole) I have to keep it and uBlock origin on to prevent drive-by ransomware. Unfortunately, no website can be trusted...

In this setting, until Lifehacker/Gizmodo can guarantee the safety of everyone and be financially

It’s simple, the democrats are crazy, now you are informed.

If you suspect you’re getting the tummy rumblies, take the strongest shot of whiskey, vodka, etc. that you can stand.

Also, Sysadmins/Cisco Engineers too! (I am Groot Root!)

That’s not how that works...

Nice! I think mine is 10.5 cents, but there’s some contention with TVA and they may be changing rates soon...

Patrick, thank you for writing about electric cars :)
Keep it up!
I want to see your reviews about the Honda Clarity series, preferably the hybrid and fuel-cell models.

I read a story once:

I drive a Nissan leaf with the hope to upgrade to the Tesla one day. :)

Or give them to me?
I’ll take anything you want to get rid of and send it off to proper eco-cycling/sell internationally if it can be unlocked. 

LetterBoxd - It’s a free app that lets you explore the world of movies/track things you watch/want to see. 

Insurance is dependent on many factors, but I pay $125/month for a 2014 Leaf and 2009 Focus with Liberty Mutual.

I’m thinking of MacKeeper, but 90% of MacOS “cleaning” tools aren’t needed...

Hamilton, it looks like Jeff is supporting senators/congressmen that match his own personal beliefs...

“I am a licensed millennial” is a close second

YES! Oh my goodness yes!!!

Leftie hack!
Use your right hand! /s
I’m kidding and a very weird partial leftie.

Or Inigo Montoya...