If I have and appointment in the morning, I will dream all night of being late.
If I have and appointment in the morning, I will dream all night of being late.
All the way down to -∞? By 2am?
I used to always dream that I was speed writing a book, longhand, flying through the pages as fast as I could turn them. It would always happen right before I woke up, so I would be in that in-between state where I knew I was waking up but I was so desperate to finish before I woke up completely. I’ve never been able…
Sleep is hard enough and now they want me to do MATH!?
I can’t even count UP by threes past 24 before I have to stop and think about what’s next, let alone count backward by threes!
Just switching over to LED bulbs has made a noticeable difference to me.
I’m in San Antonio where we, along with the Austin area, get inundated in the winter by Mountain Cedar/Juniper pollen which is, apparently, one of the worst pollens, and its in copious quantities. This year is the worst year since the mid-’90s. I got hit bad, basically overnight, and woke up with a congested chest.…
Yes to tessalon pearls. They are the only thing that really work. I don’t screw around with OTC crap anymore. I head straight to the clinic at the university where I work and demand tessalon. It’s a godsend.
You know what makes a Real Man? Being confident enough in your own abilities that you don’t feel the need to brag about how Manly Man you are.
No actually this was the original location of the Native American play-park across from the burial ground, so it’s only good energy over here.
I know, right?!
I had a female “acquaintance” (hint hint wink wink) text me a picture of a bunch of empty bottles with a memo saying : all finished with my 3 day juice cleanse. I responded with “well thats dumb”...then had to explain to her that she didn’t cleanse anything. I don’t think she’ll be an acquaintance any longer lol
Woohoo! Thanks for that! I’ve been looking at training sites for years trying to find a consistently good source of courses. These guys look ACE! And FREE, too!
ProTip: If you’ve made it into the server room, then 95% of the hack is done.
yeah, the original reason for iCloud’s existence was just that, to sync notes, contacts, email, and calendars, and it worked pretty well, and I do the same. it seems like as they’ve tried to pack in more features, that’s where problems have come up
Here’s one. Design a site surrounding a platform, let’s say kinja, that never loads correctly in firefox on the first page load but will load correctly after a refresh. How’s that for evil!?
My childhood best friend started selling Plexus about 6 months ago. While she still has some non-Plexus posts, I have to read them very carefully (no way I’m liking that non-sense to promote it to other people’s news feeds). Sometimes even a cute picture of her kids will be muddled with a caption like “So glad I have…
Want to win at carnival games? Just ask this guy how he does it.
Not past 45 degrees, or they fall over.