
This whole presidency is like a stress test for American democracy that’s pointing out every single weakness in our ancient, dusty government. It’s really highlighting the need to codify a whole bunch of norms into laws. This article, from the last time he tried to use the military to do something questionable,

But tell me again how awful Biden is

Oh jeez, yeah, your entire second paragraph there is spot on. I work with a couple of women from Thailand, both of whom are married to police officers. Through them I’ve come to realize that quite a few of the local cops, in our and nearby towns, are married to women from southeast Asia. Like, not all or most, but a

We’ll likely never know, but my assumption was that if he’s this abusive in public he’s almost certainly abusive at home. Possibly she’s taking this opportunity while he’s in custody to start proceedings while he’s unable to physically retaliate.


While I think that them realizing they can’t handle what this child needs and letting another family adopt him is probably a traumatic and difficult decision.....thank god he’s not with this monetizing-a-child fucking awful excuse for human beings. I agree, just look at their “apology” screenshot. Hair done, beard

My genetic supplier was a monster (the only good thing he did for me was terminate his parental rights), and when the judge told my (adopted) Dad that even if he and my mom split, my Dad would still be responsible for me his reply was “I would think so” with (according to my mom) an insulted look that this would even

“Seriously, the main thing is he with a family who will give him all the love, care and support he needs. At least these people realized they couldn’t supply that and tried to do the right thing?”

the language they used is gross, and that Huxley was so much a part of their YouTube thing, but ultimately, this is what i

As an AI researcher, I have pretty strong opinions about this, but tl;dr: the models are almost certainly biased and I don’t think this problem is going to go away.

Everything you said. For god’s sake, this show was good, the reference to “purity” is just insane, and I really don’t get why they might expect him to do this in perpetuity for free

He's not selling his soul. It's a goddamn tv show, and it's his job to make money off such projects. I sincerely doubt anyone at Jezebel wouldn't jump at the chance if CBS (or even some third tier cable channel) offered them a deal based on the snarky Jez videos.

I think even Chloe and Halle might find themselves confused by Joan’s level of hyperbole. It’s a fun, well-produced pop song. They are breaking absolutely no molds, and I think Fiona Apple and others might object to her characterization of ‘a year starved of innovative sounds.’ Sometimes reading Joan’s writing gives

This is stretching the definition of “prank” beyond the bounds of reason. It is neither clever, funny, nor original. It just forces bystanders to sit there and deal with a possibly mentally ill man spewing germs and saliva everywhere in the midst of a pandemic.

One of the earliest life lessons I remember getting was when I threw an apple core on the ground in my school gym. My dad saw, made me pick it up and put it in the trash. He said “never make someone else’s job harder if you don’t have to.” I’m going to teach the same thing to my potential kid so they don’t turn out

Do you think I could get TikTok famous simply by tracking down TikTok douchebags and tazing them?

Maybe I’m an old, but this is not a prank.

“Online prankster” as a thing needs to be left in the last decade. None of that shit was ever funny and I hope this guy gets beat the next time he tries this shit. I saw the one of hi walking around a store with a mask where he cut out the mouth part. Hope he gets Covid and fucks off this mortal coil forever.

Laura Albert, Margaret Seltzer, Misha Defonseca. It runs among all kinds of writers, there are just more white male writers.

The podcast Swindled did an episode of the woman who led the WTC Survivors Support Network. It was interesting. There was a documentary on her that was following her to tell her story and then everyone found out about half-way through filming. But I haven’t gotten around to watching it yet.