
I think one of the reasons people feel defensive of Chrissy Teigen is that she gets lumped in the ‘narcissist’ column with other influencers and that kind of undervalues the impressiveness of what she has actually accomplished. She’s from a working class background and used her modelling career and social media

There are factors that make progressive cultural spaces kind of a honeypot for narcissists — not because the spaces are bad, but because they offer opportunities which are useful for people with narcissistic traits, eg the opportunity to attract a lot of attention, perform moral superiority and wield cultural power

I see most of these profiles as essentially similar to when a celebrity goes on a late night show, you’re not really expecting a hard hitting grilling. If Seth Meyers took a job from Judd Apatow after interviewing him we wouldn’t be concerned, I’m not really concerned about this either.

My frustration with The Confederate is that I don’t care about these guys but I would be interested to know what Nichelle Spellman saw in the project. I would have given it a chance for her.

I’m finding that there is this flattening of all immoral acts so that some young progressives view every bad act as virtually the same level of badness. It’s black and white thinking, you’re either a good person or a bad person, and I do find that concerning. People get distracted by the terminology of ‘cancel

I find Full Frontal with Sam B and Patriot Act to be the shows that put the most light on issues we might not otherwise hear about, and it’s probably a direct result of the fact that they have voices in the writers rooms that are underrepresented elsewhere. 

I read the oral history of the daily show and iirc the consensus on this situation was that Jon was totally burned out, I think he took a hiatus to do something else not long after. He handled it badly and it’s good to see him own up to that, but I agree, I’m not sure why this ended with a suggestion that he

I think she was well known on Broadway and had been in some indie films but she certainly wasn’t ‘Anna Freaking Kendrick’ at that point, I absolutely believe that nobody was around to keep her feet warm.

It’s definitely rhetorical, I’m in the middle of a self-hating Grey’s Anatomy binge rewatch and that’s classic Shonda Rhimes phrasing, she’s clearly been reading lines that way for so long that it’s become her own natural speech pattern.

The drag queen/actor Willam also said she was so rude he walked off set and didn’t appear on the show. Imagine being such an asshole that a drag queen can’t work with you. 

I’ve seen this point a lot, so I just have to point out that a LOT of people in the US surrender their biological children with autism to state care because the cost of the care they need is prohibitive and their insurance doesn’t cover it. If the kids go into foster care the state pays for the treatment. There are

Yeah, there is no way this is a man thing. I do think it’s possible that men get more attention for it just because they gain more exposure and publicity, so they have a higher perch to fall from.

Nobody really wants to be the asshole asking a (self-identified) trauma victim to explain holes in their story. I think most of us would rather be duped than further damage someone who has been through something awful. That’s how they get away with it for so long. 

If I think about this logically, it’s probably better for the remaining cake to do it this way, since you’re exposing less surface area to dry out. Watching it just feels wrong though. 

Ok, I think it’s very possible that Reade is lying — the Putin stuff is v sketchy — but I think we need to be very clear that changes to victims’ stories over time are extremely normal and don’t necessarily indicate they are lying. Neurologically, every time we access a memory it degrades slightly. We unconsciously ma

I’m so tired of people pretending women are incapable of sexual abuse or assault, particularly the types of women who get involved in ambitious fields like politics. I’m a woman and the most aggressive unwanted sexual attention and touching I’ve ever endured was from another woman. My brother has told me about a woman

Did Jezebel always hate everything? It feels like the tone has gotten more like insecure artsy kid in a small town who hates the ‘normies’ because they don’t understand his arte. 

Even before he was charged himself he was a deeply controversial figure here because of his treatment of child sex abuse victims. We had a Royal Commission into institutional child abuse not long before he was charged. A major part of that commission looked at the Melbourne Response, the process he set up to

Yeah I really disagreed that you need to give a shit about cheer or sports bc I don’t care about either, but give me likeable, engaging, complex characters and you’ve got me. I think you don’t get to know them until the second episode though. 

It’s too late for that. What you’re talking about is exactly how the virus spread in the first place.