
But YOU might have it, that’s the point. You’re not taking your chances, you’re taking the chances of every community you inevitably pass through on your way to this non-existent self-sufficient utopia.

Remote places in Australia are begging city people not to do this because if they do get sick — which is very possible because of the incubation period — medical services have even fewer resources to help them out there than the cities. If you get sick you’re also exposing the few healthcare workers out there to

This is the same in the north of Australia with our hugeass crocodiles that semi-regularly kill people. You’re not supposed to go anywhere near the water but you still see people wading along the edge like it’s no big deal. People don’t understand how fast they are.

I work in admin in addiction / mental health and we’re preparing to be busier than ever. This was probably the most exhausting week of my professional career and the surge hasn’t actually started for us yet.

Emotional abuse is also just as damaging for victims as physical, so the entire notions that victims are ok if they just have some scratches is seriously misguided.

I wonder if it’s the idea that it’s a romantic comedy that’s causing some of the disagreement here. I read the book before the movie and never thought of it as a romantic comedy, more a character drama with comic and romantic elements. I don’t know anything about Nick Hornby but I’ve read a few of his books and

I imagined Reese in this role when I first read the book. She is perfect.

Like I said, it’s clear what she meant to say. Pretending it isn’t does not invalidate her argument. 

It’s pretty clear she meant it’s been thirty years since anyone on stage beat a Republican incumbent. And it has. Some Bernie fans want to get very focused on the specific words so they don’t have to address the specific point.

Yeah, I view it as a journalist’s job to critically decide what information is in the public interest. Sometimes that means sharing gory details, usually because the public has been minimising the seriousness of the offending. Usually, though, the public have no need for that information beyond sick fascination.

It’s complicated. There are genetic and environmental factors that cause predisposition to substance abuse, but people are still responsible for their behaviour.

I’m really sorry about everything you’ve been through, and that we still haven’t found a way to deal with these issues in a way that protects victims. 

Re: false accusations in court, a friend of mine is a forensic psych in a children’s court and the way she framed it to me is that the person who makes false accusations in divorce proceedings is usually an abuser, and should be thought of in those terms rather than just as someone making a false accusation out of

It’s also not uncommon for abusers to turn legal processes around on victims. I suspect requiring ankle monitoring would just end with lots of abusers filing for restraining orders against their victims.

I know someone who wrote a terrible crime novel that now somehow, unfathomably, is a best-selling award winner. She was a PR specialist by trade.

Being angry because you self-reported sexually harassing your coworkers and got fired for it is peak rich white guy 

I think it’s probably partially that, in a lot of places, there are just a lot MORE Bernie Bros than awful Warren supporters — not bc a greater percentage of Bernie fans are awful, but just because Bernie has a larger base of Very Online supporters in the first place, so the 5% of them are more visible than the 5% of

For me it was Maria Griuzi Chiuri’s ‘ugly little designs’. 

It feels like the same tone stan twitter has taken lately. Snickers for everybody?

Even if she just eased up a bit. Some of the snark is so strident that I find myself feeling defensive of people I’ve never even heard of before. When it’s not funny it’s just kind of mean.