
I work in public health. I have offspring and a husband.

Even if that’s not why he was fired, that sounds a bizarely anti-child workplace. I’ve worked with adamantly childfree and chatty child-having people, and even if they bitched behind each other’s backs about their different choices, they were always decent humans to their face.  What the hell are these comments?  What

I’ve worked with celebs where their teams definitely told us wild rules like this (Nobody can talk to them, no pictures, no questions etc etc) and then the actual star comes and it’s a totally different story as if they never had any idea that request was made. It’s very strange and could be what happened here. Are

In my experience on sets, there’s always some production team member insisting that the show regulars are totally off limits to guests, extras, and crew, only for the regulars themselves (or at least a couple of them) to be totally friendly and at ease. The idea is to establish “don’t talk to them unless they talk to

I’m a fairly private person, and don’t post on social media that much (a lot of that is because I don’t like the way I look in pictures, not because I’m better than people who do), but Chrissy Teigen posting about her miscarriage (or even a regular person posting about her miscarriage) is hardly exhibitionist or

Tiegen had been posting regularly about their journey with this pregnancy from the beginning. I can imagine that, having had the pregnancy end in this way, she would want to get out in front of the story and post it herself.

Yeah, and it seems like it wasn’t just that he was into Selena, he was also directly comparing Selena and Demi in some of his tweets, and declaring Selena his preference. It’s one thing for your SO to have a celebrity crush. It’s another when your SO is also a celebrity who could conceivably meet that crush, and the

I had someone forward to my email every personal document you could imagine in the span of an hour--I could have taken over her identity and it would have been easy, cuz, same name. I contacted her at the originating email and she explained to me that she was getting married, so she would be Sodasodelicious now. Um,

I mean, I think “non-binary” is intentionally vague enough that someone could just feel uncomfortable with gender roles and claim it. I don’t think that’s necessarily a problem, but I do have a problem with people using that intentionally vague label to try and speak over other people who are talking about their own

Yeah. I’ve definitely worked with a few of these (at least they didn’t have the audacity to fake a race though). One actually fought a company’s same-sex marriage benefits because they were “heteronormative” despite the person being AFAB, female passing, and fucking MARRIED TO A MAN. They definitely pulled the “As a

I havve never watched the show, their lifestyle could not be more remote from mine but... in spite of everything I hear, I actually like Kim Kardashian, maybe because she does not try to hide or to apologize for what is fake about her.

I’ve never understood the Intensely emotional reactions people have to the Kardashians. Like....people HATE them. The malevolent energy Is so palpable, but why? Because they’re shallow? Because they don’t deserve their wealth and fame? Because they are everywhere? So fucking what. There are tons of celebs like that,

All jokes about Marie Claire journalism aside, this comment stands out because - how would the content have really changed if she hadn’t accepted a job offer?

Nearly every celebrity profile in a magazine is there for the purposes of promotion for their newest movie/show, album, book, or passion project. This symbiotic relationship between publication and celebrity is not new.

people really wanted Denning to stay for Ragnarok.

Yeah EXACTLY. And you know what? I was a person who was like “oh this isn’t scary” when I had my first kid. And it wasn’t! I had great doctors, everything was fine, I recovered nicely. Lah did dah, right?

Right? Imagine someone explaining the plot of Watchmen three years ago. It’d have sounded ridiculous and there might have been concerns that it would trivialize the destruction of Black Wall Street and modern race issues with its super-hero slant. And, yet, despite the high level of difficulty in execution, Watchmen

On thinner bodies, the dress skews a tiny bit fascist.

I feel like I’m back in mid-aughts Harry Potter fandom

“Ellen is kind of an asshole” stories have been floating around for years.