What I learned from this is that Alison Roman hates successful minority women, while also capitalizing on ethnic cuisines. I am glad I had never heard of her before a few days ago, and I am sorry that I now have space in my brain for her.
What I learned from this is that Alison Roman hates successful minority women, while also capitalizing on ethnic cuisines. I am glad I had never heard of her before a few days ago, and I am sorry that I now have space in my brain for her.
Women are going to have a hard time in politics right now if we don’t get our shit together, and it looks like we might not. Also, women are not incapable of assault. That does a disservice to men (and same sex relationship women, and others) who were attacked by women.
Why did you guys even bother with this pressed white woman? She doesn’t deserve any article. Btw, I think most of the people who have a deranged, unhinged hatred of Meghan are white women who are pissed that Harry married a biracial woman instead of a bottle blonde.
The saddest part of this is that these are well-meaning people... who are also so arrogant and egotistical that they can be easily herded by Russian and right-wing trolls.
“But none of these factors seemed to matter to Democratic Party operatives and a wide swath of the party’s voters,”
You make it sound like a conspiracy that people voted for him. People voted for him; that is it. That is all of it.
Other than him choosing to step down, nothing is changing that.
Yep, if you can’t get radical change right away the next best option is to give up entirely. That makes sense, it’s a lot better than incremental change.
People get so wrapped up in how many privileges men have that they kind of ignore these things, and it’s not cool.
I just hope it gets better as more diverse candidates move up the ranks.
“Voting is a chess move not a valentine”
I’m not defending the hugs that are a second too long, or an awkward shoulder rub, but are you seriously equating that behavior to sticking your fingers inside a woman’s vagina?
Here’s the thing - I suspect for most readers of this “supposedly feminist website”, Joe Biden was not their first (or second, third or fourth) choice, but alas, we are a small sample size of the larger electorate who, through a democratic process, elected him to be the Democratic candidate in 2020, so here we are.…
These days I’m more and more convinced that, due to America’s history of shitty sex ed and bad record on teaching consent, we are just going to have to deal with the fact that most men middle-aged and up almost certainly have something on record that can be considered sexual assault. Hell, many women, too, probably.…
You’ve gotta be mystified by the outrage “He isn’t responding!” - Biden responds - “He’s not saying what he should say”
Admitting when you were wrong is rare and admirable. It doesn’t erase all the shit he’s done in the past, but being able to own his shit without making excuses or getting defensive is something worth commending and a necessary step to getting on the right path. Who knows if he’ll be able to continue on in the right…
“ought to have entertained a doubt as to the applicant’s guilt with respect to each of the offenses for which he was convicted, and ordered that the convictions be quashed and that verdicts of acquittal be entered in their place.”
I’m sorry but no. I dealt with infertility for over a decade and eventually had success with IVF, so believe me, I know this struggle inside and out. We were getting ready to do IVF again right when the pandemic hit, and now those plans are on hold. That said: we have significant community spread across the country. I…
I might. Chances are I don’t. Chances are better that I never get it if I get out of the area with the most people that do have it before it reaches critical mass and can stay away from as many people as possible.
The moment for leaving was a month ago, now, given all the insufficient testing we have in this country, anyone moving around is a dangerous vector and should stay at home, and if their home moves not move it around. It’s not about just you, it’s about everyone and if you need a more self-centered take, it’s that if…
My issue was what happened with Toby. It made no sense and still doesn’t. That said I watched and re-watched the show to death on Netflix.
Just chiming in from the grays to say that by Season 6 of the West Wing, a diminishing number of fans who watched the show when it aired actually gave a crap about how that mess was gonna end. It was a good show - a very good show - for a while. And then it was terrible. Really really terrible.