
Reportedly the US Attorney for DC and the January 6 Committee now have the messages. Jones is toast. Fucked. As good as dead.

For a change, Alex, please keep talking, the truth shall set you free, well, in this case it’ll leave you broke and likely not free for long when perjury charges drop, but your conscience can be free, well free from this issue, may still have some other confabulations that need to be addressed

Perjury is a criminal charge and an entirely separate process.

the kiddie porn story is from 2019 but still accurate.  I would not be opposed to Jones “taking the Epstein way out” of this situation, I’m tired of his bullshit and being driven into bankruptcy is NOT justice IMO.

The punishment for Perjury will come after he is convicted in this trial. That would be  a separate charge from the County DA. 

He doesn’t care because like most conservatives they suffer zero consequences. Judge told him he committed perjury, did she punish him for it?

Apple should rebate the fees to the consumer and see how the credit card companies react to it.  

At this point, the floor would wipe the floor with Joe Biden in a debate. The man has had a long career of civil service and trying to help the country but at this point he clearly is not mentally capable to be President and it’s getting to the point of being cruel to trot him out in front of the cameras.

Now he’ll have more time to assemble evidence of fraud in the election, which I thought he was planning on releasing soon.

Fuck you, Mike Pillow. 

I’ve noticed that the only people who really have a problem with cancel culture are the ones who do something completely crass/stupid/douchey/immoral (take your pick) and then are shocked when people don’t like them anymore. 

:Sigh:  Free speech does NOT mean the right to say whatever you want without consequence.  It means the GOV can not punish you for what you say.  

The room at the old folks home will have a window, and the medical staff will be licensed to US standards. You also won’t be potentially either days or an expensive helicopter trip from quality health care that your Medicare will cover almost without question.

“Retirement is supposed to be your reward for lifelong hard work and spent doing something you here’s 1000 words on why I don’t like the thing you enjoy!”

Just let the franchise die. 

The hypocrisy is Apple arguing that the fee is reasonable and then the possibility (it is unconfirmed “why” at the moment) that they are avoiding paying that fee. It isn’t that it is “wrong” or an avoidance method they do not offer, it is purely that Apple is possibly showing that they also find the 30% fee to be

So Apple is willing to go to war with Epic Games over paying 30%, when it’s not willing to do so itself?  Just another fact that shows Apple just as much, if not more, nefarious than other corporations.

I get what you are saying, but they aren’t doing something that apps currently can’t do in their own App Store and they aren’t arguing against google’s commission?

Yeah it is hypocritical. Their argument is that the app store walled garden is so that they can protect everyone, ie, they approve the apps and they make sure that all transactions from the app store go through them.