
It’s a good thing I don’t give a shit what Elon had to say.

I’m sure this will alarm both of their users. 

When your kids clean out the house in 50 years, they’ll struggle to find a way to connect to those “ancient” hard drives to their Apple VisionPro 300o with M74 chip.

Maybe we should fix Amtrak before building railroads on the moon. 

Or shape them with round weighted bottoms.

Sounds like someone got to one particular instance of chatGPT. Typically solutions in the enterprise are run on multiple servers or pods if it’s a kubernetes thing, with local caches. So it’s quite possible that whatever infected chatGPT localized it to one or maybe a couple of particular instances. That’s likely why

This feels like it’s none of our business.  Just because his mom had a high profile job doesn’t make it so. 

Well, clearly if it works, you won’t buy a new iPhone to replace it!  That’s bad for Apple. 

$600 for something you can build with a raspberry pi and a 27 inch display?

This isn’t terribly interesting.   A year is not a very long time. I’d like to see how they’re doing after 3 or 5 years. Even people who diet can generally keep their weight down for a year.

zOMG!   iPhone is not safe from privacy hacks?   NO WAY! /s

“In Florida, a brawl reportedly broke out at a local Target, with the cups at the center of the action.”

Begs the question. Why does the SEC even have an X/Twitter account after all the nonsense that’s gone on since Musk took over.

Wasn't this in the plot of one of the recent Planet of the Apes movies?

These were authenticated users. They were registered using the same API that iOS iMessage users registered.  

Title of this article: “Everything you’ve come to expect in a Mac”

In this article: “Uh....we actually haven’t tried it yet..”

Thanks Gizmodo. 

The prime numbered doors are left open.   I’m saying that because this sounds a lot like the Sieve of Erasthones (sp?) and how it works.

How well do these do 4K video editing? 

Installed, it starts to login and then just spins and does nothing.

TL;DR - Everyone involved is dirty but there weren’t any deepfakes involved.