
Let's do some math on your.. what was that number again? Oh, 27. I see. This is all SUPER quick and dirty, but I think it could be fun.

Totally serious question - do you understand a comparative study? I'm all for comparing tit for tat with the police, but "attacks on police" are different than "police shootings of citizens". If you are suggesting that a study be done to compare "deadly force" used against police compared to "deadly force" used

I think this again highlights what another post from last week was saying about how people just do not understand depression. He was not a 'coward', he was being crushed under a weight so heavy no one can even imagine it unless you have the misfortune to live through it. He couldn't go on anymore despite his fame,

Islam is so awful.

Open Carry People:

My Parents have Small Genitalia.

Why don't you take your 2-bit MRA routine somewhere else and let the adults talk?

It's because they're not actually pro-life....they're anti-women.

Viagra is still covered. So you still get your limp dick pills for free.

And do they keep the cloth separate in the fabric aisle, or refuse to sell blended fabrics?

You know why I've been on the pill since high school? To keep my dysmenorrhea in check so I can get out of fucking bed when I'm on the rag.

No one got "free" pills, you complete moron. YOU PAY FOR YOUR OWN PLAN, YOU COMPLETE DUMBASS. Do you not understand how the Affordable Care Act works? No, of course not.

Oh dear God, you are dumb. There are a lot of people that use birth control, not "nymphomaniacs". I started the pill when I was a virgin because my ovarian cysts were rupturing and sending me to the hospital each month for bleeding. I can tell you the pill, even the most expensive ones, are a lot cheaper than a

Why do so many women like you hate other women so much?

You are quite possibly one of the dumbest people I have ever encountered on Gawker Media. And that's saying something, you turd.

I have a lot of family in the South. They're smart and understand that women are human and fully deserving of human rights and privileges. How about using another name and quit tarring a whole region with your comments?

Depends on the state. Where I live (SC), if you don't have an insurance that PP accepts, you are paying out of pocket, which is $160 for an appointment and birth control.

It looks like the key point of the ruling is that the government found a way to let nonprofit religious groups out of the contraceptive mandate and couldn't give a good reason why they couldn't expand that loophole to for-profit businesses. That is actually not a bad question.

They narrowed the decision to ONLY the contraception question, to avoid all those pesky worries and questions about not covering blood transfusions, vaccines, etc.