I’m more inclined to call “bullshit” just based on their own text :
I’m more inclined to call “bullshit” just based on their own text :
There isn’t. They try to tell you it’s poo but that’s all a sham.
You're like the Hamilton Nolan of milk. That's not a good thing.
So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.
FYI, the sign was designed by awesome comic book artist Amy Reader, who is currently working on Rocket Girl for Image comics. Huzzah for ladies in comics and comics about ladies!
Yeah, your sperm started going bad last year, dude, so it's not realistic that a woman of childbearing years would choose you either. You're immature and your spunk is dated.
"I'd also like to have children but not, you know, tomorrow."
As a 43 year old guy your goods are rotting, too. Why didn't you start a family when you were younger?
What you're showing is that they'll message women younger than them—50 year old men will message 40 year old women., not 50-year-old women. A 10-year difference is not "close in age." And it shows that many of those guys won't even consider a woman who is exactly their age.
Of course. This may sound really cynical but football is notorious for being super macho straight man's game. And straight men love boobies so it's easier to support breast cancer even if there are greater dangers to women's health (not to minimize breast cancer). The breast cancer research support always seemed like…
You better have skinny legs and a skinny waist to go with that big ass though, or else GTFO, right?
Honest question — why does anyone read or subscribe to Vogue, other than while waiting for a medical professional? It's this five-pound brick of once-happy trees that stinks up your house and is full of insipid corporate cheerleading and images that make you feel bad about yourself.
Sending out a ton of invites to people you know won't come to your wedding is also a way that greedy people can get a ton of gifts and cash.
Undue burden on a specific gender that impacts their access to education. For example, length of skirt being more important than their time in a classroom.