JENROByou, you, my dear girl, are a fucking trainwreck.
JENROByou, you, my dear girl, are a fucking trainwreck.
Every time some says their child is 'precocious' I take that as a code word for little asshole. Seriously though, how many kids are labeled that and not a total asshole?
What do you expect?? Her mother ripped off her boss that kindly gave her a job (Burger King) one of Mama June's BFs/common law husband is a registered sex offender (child crimes), she has multiple step-fathers, she's been working as a poster child for child porn enthusiasts, and the entire family is a mockery of…
Honestly, I mean no offense to you when I say this, but your mother sounds like she was kind of horrible, and I'm really sorry that you dealt with that as a child.
I don't think it is acceptable to spank children (nor do I think spanking is effective), because violence obviously isn't the best way to address…
Damn. I'm not fat, and I'm not the person this comment was directed to, but I can't help but to tell you to go fuck yourself anyways.
Why do parents allow their kids to hit them??? I was waiting in line at a store and a kid who looked to be around 3 had a pacifier (he seems a bit old for a pacifier, but maybe I'm wrong) and when his mom took a book out of his hand to put it back on the shelf, he slapped her in the face. She didn't do anything! …
Being artificially kept alive with tubes and pumps and shit...
This is so interesting- just goes to show that these restrictions on women have much more to do with radical conservatism with a Muslim flavor than Islam itself, since these people were not any less Muslim back in the 60s
Nope, this is what you get when you invade a country for no reason, disband their government and military, destroy their infrastructure, do some halfhearted "rebuilding", and then peace the fuck out.
Fuck this getting on people for having the bodies that they have in general. Same way it's not cool to make assumptions about fat people, it's not cool to make assumptions about thin people. And it's definitely not okay to treat women as if they aren't real people because their bodies don't (or do) conform to…
Nobody cares. This website isn't for you, so go trolling for attention someplace else.
"Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?"
What the hell is your problem?
I'm a straight woman who feels like no one's attracted to me. I "peaked" over ten years ago according to men. At least men don't depreciate like fucking cars. Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?
No. In his words:
This reminds me of that early scene in "500 Days of Summer" when Zoey and JGL are in the elevator and he's listening to the Smiths on his headphones. She sings along and it BLOWS HIS MIND that a girl (?!) would know who the Smiths were and even know the words to a song! In L.A.! I was like, "Whaaaaa? I know a ton of…
I think it's just a bunch of words. I've read it repeatedly and it's like those spammy links from non-English speaking countries. "Beautiful contrast in earthly paradise touch diesel trend!"