
See, I'd call that reasonable. Not everyone likes babies, and I feel safe in saying that no one likes listening to a crying baby, for a variety of reasons. There's a huge gap between "sorry, I just don't want to spend time with babies" and "omg, babies are gross and disgusting and you are gross and disgusting for

Fact: the stick up my ass is funnier than Family Guy.

The only difference between the Simpons and Family Guy is that Family Guy is currently funny, while the Simpsons is coasting off reputation earned through the 90s

My feelings about the breastmilk lolly look like this:

"It's some white people shit."

Quote of the century!

AMEN on both counts: Your lame racist shit is not "edgy" or "satire," just lame and racist. And the Constitution has no "your shit don't stink" clause.

I think the idea behind MacFarlane's comedy that the white dudes in the room will "get it" while everyone else can generously interpret it as "making fun of the ignorant white dude." It's the same with hipster racism IRL— the guy making the joke will tell you he's totally not racist, he was just making fun of racists,

I thought that too! The Simpsons at its absolute WORST is nowhere near as offensive and unfunny as anything Seth MacFarlene does.

Sorry did you really just accuse the Simpsons of being of the Seth Macfarlane brand of humour?

He should have known something was up when the guard handed him a TMZ legal pad .

I don't need to watch that shit. He doesn't deserve my time or the electrons on my computer. He needs to go fuck himself and then die a horrible death.

I'm a size 14, I've been doing yoga for ten years, and this kind of anti-fat bias makes me SO ragey. Yoga is awesome and totally accessible for larger people and/or less fit people. I would suggest trying a community center. The teachers are usually just as good and the client base is more diverse, so there is less

"Screeching"? Oh, aren't you special. Fuck off.

Lululemon just doesn't want to admit that they don't want their clothing on 'fat' people. They smear their logo on everything that they sell so that it gets flashed at as many people as possible and they only want thin 'healthy' people promoting their brand.

This is part of why I do not do yoga. I tried several times and had some bad experiences with thin, snooty, Lululemon-wearing yoga instructors who just rolled their eyes when I couldn't bend my beginniner (and larger) body into a specific kind of pretzel. They also seemed perfectly happy to help thinner people into

I've never understood that mantra, but I'm glad it works for some people. I'm more of the opinion that gym clothes are what your regular clothes become when you can't really wear them out for real any more.

Yeah, it's a deal man. Especially at that age.

I like to think there are special karmic punishments coming to that person. It blows my mind that anyone can knowingly make a teenaged girl feel bad about her appearance. Ya know...those years are too easy. Let's make them a little shittier!

Seriously, that is the most weak ass argument I've ever heard. I've been plus sized my whole life, I've always paid more and never once bitched to anyone about it.

I routinely pay a few dollars more for the plus size version of something and I haven't rioted yet. Am I doing plus size wrong?!?