
David Roberts is one of the most thoughtful progressive (and feminist!) writers out there; if you seriously think he's a douche I suggest you familiarize yourself with more of his work.

He can say whatever he wants, wherever he wants. Anyone can. The freedom to say something doesn't also come with a side order of freedom from consequences. People equally have the right to say, "Yeah that's not cool, bro." That's the basic thing most people like you seem to miss about the whole free speech argument.

Absolutely true. No one should have the right to infringe on anyone's decision here.

We only care about 'Merican cell clusters.

Aaaand that's one of their worst assumptions. I will tell anyone who will listen that I aborted my baby. I was 17 weeks, I considered him (I knew the gender and everything) a baby. And I still went through with it, because it was what was best for all concerned. If only they'd get it, that this is not some off-handed,

Well, I'm really happy they're doing this, because I went to the clinic because I really thought I wanted at abortion, but it turned out that I just really wanted a pizza.

There has never been one point in history where exoticism has not been racism.

"Ninja pussy I'm stabbin'" had me dying of laughter.

I guess 2013 is "Year of the Dumbass"

Not only are they race fetishists and the song is ridiculously stupid (more so than offensive perhaps), it sounds TERRIBLE.

These are times I wish health inspectors would show up and fine the parents. Or take their picture and use the fine to publish their names and faces in the front page of your local paper of record.

As a commuter, I can say that I don't get impatient with a toddler climbing stairs. I get impatient with moms or dads who decide that the bus stairs are to be used for training time. So, they stand there while the kid tries to navigate the stairs, while offering words of encouragement, and the rest of us seethe at

When you stop changing babies on restaurant tables then we can discuss other word choices.

Because there are other ways to get kids around. People in wheelchairs don't have another choice. I recognize that there are times when strollers may be necessary, but in our house we would always avoid the use of a stroller in favor of the wheelchair. Most of the time a stroller is a convenience, while a

Christ. This will be the same person not teaching her kids to give their seat to an elderly person. It makes me crazy.

Here in Portland, you are required to fold up your strollers.

The term is "child-free". "Childless" just sounds so...judgey.

I can't stand people like that who think their children are more important than anyone in the world. My husband uses a wheelchair and we tried to avoid strollers as much as possible because it's a huge pain in the arse. Wheelchairs ALWAYS come first. And hasn't she ever heard of an Ergo? Those child backpacks were

My friend has one of these tanks, and then keeps complaining about the fact that restaurants and stores aren't adapted to them. GAH.

About four months ago, I was on a packed bus when a lady with an SUV sized stroller tried to get on. There were two power chairs in the reserved area already, and she just lost it..." Can't you ask them to get off? I have a stroller!". I couldn't even.