
Everywhere. We truly cannot afford it. Plus, people in the countries where we have bases tend to not want us there. I understand that. I probably wouldn't like it either.

I honestly believe that US forces should be nowhere except in the USA; this includes our presence in Europe.

Echoing the sentiments of Kahlan86, I think it's high time that the rest of the world step up to the stage rather than always beseech or demand America get it's money and lives involved.

There are 195 countries in the world that are NOT America. Why not let them take a stab at the world's problems, for once. If

It's an expensive and sometimes futile effort to use military force to bring human rights, if that is even their end goal, to a nation which we do not fully understand and in many ways is counterproductive to the very idea of human rights. Ask the people from Afghanistan what they think of US's dedication to human

Afghanistan's top religious panel defended the local council's bans: "There is no way these shops could have stayed open. Shops are for business, not adultery."

It's not Ok *for you*. It's perfectly fine for him to do this as long as he and his mom are Ok with it, as they seem to be.

Awesome handle.


The not fighting back thing is such fucking bullshit. Sometimes fighting back is the ONLY way to get the message through, because the people who are bullies often only understand violence and brute physical force. Period.

Yeah, no way this isn't going to take a horrible turn that will probably end up in an episode of 20/20 and or Dateline with Keith Hanson creepily narrating.

She actually wrote pretty much that exact thing on a different article recently. It's bizarre. I usually don't spend that much time thinking about sex that I don't want to have. Maybe it's a secret fetish that both excites and disgusts her?

See, I'm short AND fat and reading BT321's everything made ME want to vomit in my mouth!!

Ugh, you again with your 'vomit in the mouth' shit. Why put this out there? Why tell all the fat people reading this that their bodies literally disgust you?

I agree with you on an intellectual level. But I can't help but think that nothing else would get through to this cretin. I want to barf.

My fantasy about the ideal beat down for the piece of shit with the jug has reached critical mass. "But violence is wrong! Two wrongs don't make a right!" Fuck that. This violent piece of shit needs a wake-up call in his own language.

If you were in your late 30's or 40's I'd take your advice to mean something. But 18 is ridiculous. *snorts derisively* Also, believe me I'm not bitter nor do I envy your finding "The One" at 18.

Congrats, your "non-type type" is based on standardized ideals of beauty for men, and a magical stress free unicorn person.

Hang on, you were single for long time but met your husband at age 18?

You can settle with looks, not with personality/character.

I personally prefer being alone to being with someone that I'm not actually in to.