
They have been sued (in the US) because of racial discrimination in their hiring processes in the past as well.

Yes! Fountain Cherry Coke is the best of all the sodas. If I were crazy rich, I'd have a fountain soda machine in my house with Cherry Coke. That probably wouldn't be the healthiest choice, but I'd be crazy rich so I could hire a trainer and personal chef to make up for it.

Caroline Bingley is finally getting her vindication after all these years. Lizzie can keep her Pemberlyian beekcake, she's getting the currency.

Seriously. Jane, imma let you finish, but Emily Bronte should be on ALL the monies!

In short, this guy's like, "Pay people? It's kind of a blessing to get to photograph us and our birth and our baby."

Do you think handsome muscular artist will have the guts to cut the umbilical cord with his teeth? Because that is not less ridiculous than the rest of it, and that moment would certainly be worth a photographic keepsake. Personal experience and 4 days of labor says great dane + chihuahua = C section, regardless of

I think the fact that most of these commenters have actually given birth (some multiple times!) is a lot stronger evidence than some hokey New Age Youtube videos.

Laura isn't one of those 'THE FLYOVER IS UGS' people. I think she meant that in the Heartland, people are a lot nicer and more accepting of people who don't look like cookie-cutter Barbie dolls. I lived in the same area as Laura up in SF, after having moved there from the Midwest. I echo her sentiment entirely. It's

I like how she is specifically Japanese, while his ethnicity remains unnamed. It really adds an important detail to the "photogenic" descriptor, and will attract photographers who would otherwise be uninterested in this... assignment.

Do you think that was before or after he got his original rad tribal tattoo?? Maybe he also has a sweet kanji that really says douchbag :)

"I'm an Asian-phile white dude who want to show off my wife's Asian pussy and my non-ugly hapa baby to other white dudes who can't have any of that."

I'm guessing this is a first child. I'm LOVING the idea of being photogenic during childbirth. I hope they can get a good makeup/hair/lighting person for their artistic photos. These people are ADORABLE.

I'm going to completely disagree with that one, at least for some people. I broke that rule in an experiment a few years ago with two different guys, and I was impossibly miserable. I always tried to be kind to the kids, but I just despised both fathers after a little while because I started to associate them with the

To say nothing of the authenticity! I recited several poems to myself (in French) as my OB sewed my lady gooch back together. And then more as the nurse bagged up my placenta and put it on the counter in the exact spot where my father in law would later rest his jacket.

I'm just gob-smacked that this isn't from Seattle. Sooo many pretentious , oh sorry, authentic,"original" people here. Ooops, just choked on my triple soy macchiato :)

"We're hoping you're so intrigued and creatively inspired that you'll do it for free. If not, and your portfolio shows that you're worth it, we would be willing to pay $150."

It's okay to be excited about the important events in your life, but not....this excited.

We are an early 30's, very photogenic, and completely idiotic couple.


Yeah. Nope. I love it how you He Man Woman Haters guys like to claim that 90-lb. bitchez can't single-handedly jog of with a 400-lb soldier or something.