
I sometimes wonder whether the "If you have confidence and smile and project confidence then people will magically think you're attractive/likeable/etc" theory is part of the "Just World" fallacy that has such an unfortunate negative impact and so many ways that people treat/interact with each other. Like, it's

Thank you for this comment! I am fed up of telling 'taxpayers' that regardless of how much they may pay into the system, they do not own us, and our decisions are our own. Plus, most unhealthy lifestyle choices pay far more into the economy at large than they will ever pay in taxes.

"Being fed" is an interesting choice of verb. Is the implication the poor tend to be in institutional settings where they have limited/no choice? Or is there some other nuance?

you have an issue with fat people. you should see someone about that.

Well, just to be clear, I believe that human beings deserve basic respect no matter what they choose to eat. Your worth is not contingent on your willpower or your choice of snacks. And it's not like I've never eaten a pancake in my life.

Abstinence only education, everybody!

I, for one, welcome our syrupy new overlords.

Oh look, a study based on 12 Men. Pardon while I disregard this completely. Pass the pancakes.

Human females look like human beings without makeup! HIDE THE KIDS, PEOPLE EXIST!

Notice that among the consensual adult things that should be legal there is no mention of the wimmens being in control of their own bodies. LET'S NOT GET CRAZY, PEOPLE.

"then we should immediately release those incarcerated for practicing polygamy or bigamy,” Huckabee said. “And, frankly, let’s make all consensual adult behaviors legal, whether prostitution, assisted suicide, or even drinking 16 ounce sodas in New York City.”

American politicians could do to be more like the Golden Girls, considering how ahead of their time they were on things like gay issues and contraception.

Cos they think we expire & vanish when they no longer want to fuck us?

Guys, what's up with old men making fun of old women? Like, I've heard at LEAST five times that Hillary is looking old for her age... from men who are older and look way worse than she does.

Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton are the same age. Does Romney's strategist not realize that?

As trolls are so often fond of reminding me, fat girls don't deserve love unless they self-flagellate into thin girls.

[Insert disingenuous shock that your bullshit anecdote didn't rock the thread with its utter fucking brilliance and complete and total relevance]

I'm far from being a robot, but I'm having a hard time imagining a moral standard so individualized and nuanced that using pregnancy to extort commitment from an unsuspecting person is A-OK. At the very least it's a pretty awful way to approach a commitment as serious as parenthood. I get the concept of moral

yeah until they confess that's what they are doing... and to be clear, i dont know any woman who has ever done that, but I do know a woman who was married to complete bag of shit husband (verbally abusive, manipulating, cheating leech) and was finally talking about divorce. Well he got wind of it... two months later

Who needs a direct conversation about where each party thinks the relationship is going when you can "oops" and force him into a choice. I'm sure that won't cause any resentment in their new marriage at all.