
Don't forget Perry's comment on the eve of Texas' 500th execution:

It was the Unclench post! You jinxed it!

I'm going to start using that quote. It ties in very well with the way I explain my pro-choice beliefs - that until viability, a fetus is a parasite whose continued growth and development is solely at my body's expense and thus at my absolute discretion. And as my leg and my 12-week old fetus have the same chance of

A bridge? I'll take it!!

Oh, exactly. Up here in Canada, or as we like to call it Canuckistan, there is no abortion law as such. Abortion is a medical procedure between a woman and her doctor. So do you know what all of these horrible Canuckistani women are doing? Oh, yeah. You guessed it. We're all using abortions...as birth control!! It's

Gosnell is a murder, pure and simple. Why was he able to practice his henious 'medical' practice so long. Gee, maybe because the women were desperate AND HAD NO OTHER OPTIONS, no other clinics to go to, much much earlier in their pregnancy.

You are an idiot.

I know this one! YES I DO. Gosnell committed murder on persons who'd been born. Abortions take place before the baby is born.
Hey, that was almost too easy.

I spent something like 15 hours in the Senate gallery today. I was part of the first crowd in the room and one of the very last few people out of it. I'm surprised I have a voice at the end of that—I screamed more in 13 minutes than I ever did during any Mardi Gras. I scraped skin off my pinkie finger from my ring

As a guy in his 50s, I don't have any problems with a wealthy young woman buying me things in exchange for sexual favors.

I've gotten the impression over the years that people who don't self-reflect often complain about their own behavior.

You're right: a "guy who decides to totally atomize his existing personality and then reconstruct it to resemble a reasonable facsimile of what women [supposedly] find attractive is not "entitled"

Yeah, it's that "otherwise appealing" thing...you know, things like "respectful", "honest", "listens to what I'm saying", "doesn't generalize an entire gender as 'typical female'".

God, Teh Womenz is so picky!

Jesus fuck do you ever have entitlement issues.

It's pretty clear. Wanting one is an expression of desire, not entitlement.

I do read Captain Awkward, and honestly, it hasn't done much to reassure me. She usually just makes me feel even worse about myself. I also don't see what's wrong with calling myself ugly if that's what I am. Better to face the truth than stick our heads in the sand.

And it's always everyone else's fault when no one wants to date them.

A lot of this PUA stuff really makes me want to scream that NO ONE IS OWED A GIRLFRIEND (or boyfriend). These guys seem fixated on the idea that they "deserve" to have a girlfriend. And that they're completely justified in employing "techniques" to obtain their right that's so unfairly been denied them (because their

ARGH I hate seeing Peggy get hurt and lied to OVER AND OVER by that LYING DOUCHE. /rage