
Calling a girl a whore because she has breasts is informed by the exact same mindset that led to kicking the girl out of the team: whoredom is merely being a woman. That's enough. Now that she's a woman, she has no place among the boys unless it's in a sexual capacity.

I used to live on a street with a lot of prostitutes. And grade schools. Old white men from well-off white suburbs would cruise the block as the schools got out, ogling little black girls as young as ten, and anything female, period. The attitude was very clear: "You're all whores, it's just some of you

Agreed. She wrote that "Despite many diets and exercise programs, I am unable to lose my belly" and that she had previously responded to people with questions about her (non)pregnancy, "I'm just chubby and need to hit the gym." She knows. So I don't think she was asking for Abbey about advice to lose/hide the weight.

Oh I LOVE this! I carry my weight right in my stomach, and get this question all the time (usually from women?!), I am totally going to use this response!

That's really the perfect comeback because it makes the person asking look like the huge asshole that they are.

She was supposed to recommend a way to deal with strangers who comment on this woman's physical appearance. Those strangers are the problem; not the writer's stomach.

This woman did not ask for advice on how to hide her belly, she asked for advice on how to deal with people making remarks about her body in a polite manner. Dear Abby should have given her that advice, not told her "go get lipo". You cannot honestly be that dense.

SERIOUSLY. He shouldn't be in charge of a wet paper bag, let alone actual children.

I had a similar experience, I was about 13 I think. My parents had been hosting some family friends and they had a deaf son just a little younger than me. We were all at a nighttime 4th of July party. I found the pool and jumped in, because I was a fish and loved to swim. The deaf son jumped in too, and I immediately

I remember. It was a 50-ish looking man on the bus. I remember how I felt very well, was deathly afraid. I got on that bus shaking for a while afterwards.

Thank you for reminding me why I should teach my daughter how to lay a boy out flat.

My husband can barely tolerate watching True Blood with me. I'm like:

Oh and when women do "struggle" with lust and seek help in their church, they are told that it's because of feminism. Not, you know, natural hormones and shit.

Yep. I bet most women you know can tell the story of when a man first noticed she had breasts or hips and commented on it, and how it felt, and what it was like to realize that the world was suddenly a very different place for her.

And then her childhood is over, but boys get to be kids forever. I bet this dude has even more disturbing views yet to be discovered.

Monsters, that's who.

well see- that's the kicker isn't it? You have no idea what's happening in anybody's home life. I had a good job, and a supportive family and a whole passel of friends and I was hiding abuse and fear under a painted on smile Every. Single. Day. You have no idea why a woman chooses abortion. Is she sick, is she in

Of course you're a man. I should have known better. Tell you what - since you clearly sit in your ivory dick tower and are the moral authority on All Things Fetus - please just go and join the other white dudes in the GOP with your moralizing. I'm sure they need another dude to help them control women through shame

HAHA yeah, everything he said was respectful, like: