
One of my early mentors died of massive heart attack in his early 50s. The man was one of the fittest, most healthiest people I've ever known. And he died in the middle of his weekly basketball game.

My father did both and died of a heart attack in his 50s anyway (while exercising).

This is awful!

Right, but how will my emotional needs get met? How will yours get met?

>>I guess my point is that they SHOULD be rejecting romantic partnerships. They're just as antiquated and unnecessary as marriage.<<

Typical clueless pig. You actually think we are just like you, sex driven cave dwelling morons. No wonder you're single... I'll let you know when I need a jar opened, go back to your Calling of Duty little man.

"I guess my point is that they SHOULD be rejecting romantic partnerships. They're just as antiquated and unnecessary as marriage."

Not really — women still lose out if kids are involved. Plus, being uncommitted all of the time shows a lack of discipline that personally I think kinda sucks. To each their own though.

Well, I certainly agree that the world would be a happier place if people who thought like you stayed the hell away from adult relationships. As for the rest of us, a long term bond with another person is one of the major sources of satisfaction and joy in most human societies in most of history.

I want my partner for more then just sex.....

People are still moving in together, buying property together, sharing household expenses, and having children together. There are just fewer people getting that little piece of paper saying they're married. I fail to see what that has to do with being "selfish" and unwilling to compromise with someone else.

I love this. I'm with my partner, whom I love dearly and would gladly continue to live with/hang out with for the rest of our lives... but I have no interest in marrying him.

FAIL. You can still see her hand. It's still possible for her to express dignity and individuality. More fabric.

Agreed on all accounts except rather than a note in his record, I think he deserves to get fired and not allowed to work in a position of authority ever again.

She was completely covered. The comment, regardless of who it came from, was completely unnecessary.

It would be bad no matter who said it, yeah. And it is nuts to me that you're questioning why a 15 year old - a *child* - would be shaken up by being told by an adult, male stranger to "COVER [HER]SELF."

I think the bigger and more important takeaway is that there is nothing a woman can wear that will protect her from someone who has an inherent dislike for women. If you tell the story, and some idiot says "well she shouldn't go around looking like a slut!", and you show a picture, it shuts that person right up. I

I had a TSA agent tell me last year that the sheer shirt I was wearing underneath a sweater he asked me to remove was sheer. And I was like, "duh, I know, that is why I normally wear this sweater over it. Also, you're subtly trying to force me into your radiation peepshow booth, so... what does it matter if your

I usually find it that men who make it a point to become cops or servicemen tend to be egotistical, racist, ignorant douchebags of the scummiest degree. Of course not ALL are like that but many were the high school jock, frat boy, pampered, spoiled to shit or the control freak bullies who purposely go into this type

I used to work by a naval base, and when those guys came into the restaurant we either forced a guy to wait on them or literally drew straws. The. Worst.