
How interesting. You may have a point here.

$15?! I'd pay that to be able to wear this coat with some tights and an old timey hat and strut around my house like King Henry VIII

Yeti paw?


Thanks for basically ruining my weekend with this story. Leaving now to take my kids for as much ice cream as they can eat until they barf. Big hugs for them. They are the light of my life.

I'm crying laughing at my desk over this, and i LOVE the notebook.

Nicholas Sparks's biography reads like Nicholas Sparks's books:

Seconded. Dying.

my stomach muscles hurt.

I'm not even halfway done but I can tell you right now I've never laughed so hard at a movie review in my life. BLESS YOU, LINDY WEST.

I'm also enjoying "tah inartubes." Thank you.

+1 for "tah intartubes." Still giggling.

Private jet. Specifically, if teh intartubes are to be believed, one of these:

I just love Taylor and her cat loving ways!

I love how he can handle a woman covered in two-week-old butter but armpit hair is a bridge too far.


Jesus tapdancing Christ.

Straight white guy here. No - we pretty much suck. Especially if you take us in aggregate over the last 500 years. Most problems are caused by us, or at least made worse by us.

On behalf of my corner of the species, I'm sorry.

You saucy minx, I'm at work!

Settle down, Mark. This is more reporting than CNN has done in ages.