Hands down the most important article I will read all day. Thank you for this.
Hands down the most important article I will read all day. Thank you for this.
Can I get a AMEN.
I also feel like this applies to just about every one of my girlfriends who has gotten engaged, ever.
I lost my shit 12 words in at "feel holes," and this movie will never not make me cry. EVER!!!!!!
I want one.
Yeah I don't think Taylor flies on the kinds of planes we fly on.
I read this "(heart)" degrees of separation from her, and I felt like that made sense too.
I mean really, this needs to be "stars without making OR PHOTOSHOPPING," because even with make up they don't look like those photos do.
Church was actually the first thing that came to mind for me. But maybe that's all those years attending Catholic schools...
Otis Sudeikis? I always feel for these kids who run the risk of developing a lisp and not being able to pronounce their own name. That is, if that's the kid's last name.
That made me lose it. Also, best profile pic ever.
This is the best best to happen to my Friday, thus far. Apparently boy bands of any kind give me the giggles, but I lost it at "you are the least diverse band of all time." Upon watching their video I at first thought they kind of sounded like some of the newer stuff NKOTB was coming out with, but then I stopped…
Um. . . as a 30 year old who has JUST started to watch Gossip Girl on Netflix in her spare time. . . can I just say: SPOILER ALERT on the Little J plot line!?
I'm your neighbor to the north in Neenah and work at the sexual assault center up here. Mega props to you. I'm listening to the live stream of Tanvi and Linda from ASTOP right now. <3
shit. that was him on the man show. that is crazy! i had forgotten about that.
WHAT????? Seriously??? I thought he was like, in his late 30?! I don't know. . .I guess I have never given it much/any thought. But that kinda blew my mind.
One of the most heartwrenching things I've heard said about this was from the director of my county's CPS: "Kids would rather be hit than ignored" re: their parents. Ugh. Slays me.
That's what I thought too!