
I drove by the workshop and almost burst into tears just looking at it. Such great memories!

I always thought the closing time for a proper sit-down place is actually the latest seating time. In other words, they don’t usher out anyone who’s still finishing their meal at closing even if they got there an hour prior. It’s been a long time but unless it was really dead we almost never had zero patrons at

Early 40's is Gen X!

The Hitcher is so great!!

That seemed ad-libbed to me, it was pretty great.

I don’t think she was right about Perry’s death. She thought the killing was deliberate, done by Celeste upon finding out about the cheating, and her friends covered up for her, but we all know it was an accident (caused by shoving but still accidental). The more I think about the lie, the dumber it is, as much as I

What does she do for a living? Something in tech? Wish they would have depicted more of that.

Maynard is a well-known prick and famously hates his fans. Love their music though, up until the last album. 

I have nurses in the family and they all say ER was the first show to come pretty close to what it’s like working in an urban ER. Emergency! was another for paramedics.

He was impaled at the bottom. Remember that area was under construction?

The only good thing about this season has been exploring the staggering impact of abuse - over generations, after death. And the acting, of course.

Sure but if it was the dad why would he leave her after? The implication is that he never forgave her for his death. I’m thinking it was Perry and she couldn’t admit he was a monster, so the Dad hightailed it out of there.

The murder worked, IMO, to crystallize their connection and devotion to each other. Now it’s just being dragged out needlessly. I think it would have been more interesting to watch them maybe drift apart after the trauma subsides and see them find their way back to one another - they didn’t even need the threat of the

I loved them (grew up in Florida).


He left El locked up quite a bit...

Just because that was the point doesn’t mean it was done well. 

Or Joyce’s trauma.

This!! Why aren’t more people acknowledging this? He kept dismissing her - he even flat out accused her of making shit up because she was scared to move on with her life. That’s the part I couldn’t understand. Sure, his feelings are hurt but the minute she showed him the magnets and seen how upset she was why didn’t

This is my problem as well. At no point did the writing of his character lead us to believe that he would take being stood up by a woman, not to mention Joyce who has been through tremendous trauma and had a legit concern about the magnets after what went down in that town, so incredibly hard.