
I think she sent Batroc under false pretenses - revenge on Falcon - to get Karli or at least stop her movement.

they fucked up by always having to act like the smartest person in the room.

I think that Batroc is there to assassinate Karli or to mess up their plans somehow under the guise of wanting revenge, to gain their trust.

Danny Carey

Agreed. I adored Crudup’s depiction of Manhattan and this fell so short of that performance for me. And the eyebrows and obvious body makeup, really disappointing. 

Lol - that’s Jeremy Irons in the castle!


Yeah, I thought that too. Maybe they started with choosing Tulsa because of the Black Wall Street Massacre, then realized they should write in a black version of Oklahoma!, then went from there.

So he can age or do you think he’s just trying to be more human?

Maybe his attempt to “humanize” himself? People to interact with?

I’m assuming you’re being sarcastic - yes, I caught that. It’s just that anyway I typed the reply sounded like I was being a pedantic jerk.

Yes, I know. Was just trying to point out the spelling without being a dick - and apparently I misspelled the word anyway so...

Ha, oops

I watched with subtitles, interesting how the group spelled Calvary with a K - Seventh Kalvary.

Ha! And Kent State, the civil rights struggle, the Manson murders, McCarthyism, Son of Sam...

I wish this game had the length of Katamari!

There was one scene in Chapter 1 where I was genuinely creeped out by him and that was when they were watching the slide show. The way the mom morphed into him and the way he popped out was pretty freaky.

Interesting. Then what would the modern day (well, 90's I guess when they were kids) equivalent be? Maybe a Superman-type?

So many of King’s ideas work so well on paper because he knows how to set a scene better than anyone, and the way he describes things is just so *chef’s kiss* superb and really activates your imagination. He’s also a master at taking you into people’s minds as they process whatever’s happening to them. But something

I’m a horror fan in my 40's and was feeling the same way until I saw Hereditary. Just messed me up in a great, deep way.