
Wyatt Russell was channeling a lot of his father in these past two episodes, uncannily so. When they ever get around to remaking Escape From New York they might as well give him the job of Snake. 

I continue to stand by my assesment that the MCU is just a giant therapy session for Generation X males. A bunch of daddy issues and social issues unraveling in a cinematic fashion. Designed to help us make sense of the first 40 years of our lives and not fuck up in the back half like so many of our parents did. Even

Rolling Stone magazine, is that you?
(Rush was hated by mainstream music media for most of their career)

Crudup’s voice IS Doctor Manhattan to me

I agree that Manhattan in the bar doesn’t sound like Manhattan.  When he’s Manhattan-as-Cal he sounds more remote, like I’d expect him to be. 

Basically everything you could possibly want from a Doctor Manhattan episode and an HBO Watchmen episode. It’s brilliantly written, stunningly shot, beautifully scored, and all sorts of other meaningless adjectives.

Good thing his character’s name was Chuckie O’Brien then.

The entire process of going to see a movie in a theater, getting ready, drive/walking/subway there, getting snacks, watching previews, going home takes about the same amount of time if not longer when all is said and done.

Just finished it. It’s nowhere near Marty’s best work (Goodfellas and Casino still wear the crown for me), and the first hour and a half or so is pretty draggy, but everything after that is like clockwork. That last hour or so just flew by. I’m not being sarcastic here, either, because everything after 50-YEAR-OLD

Actually, it was a limited theatrical release on November 1, so it is (or at least was) screening in great movie houses before streaming.

It’s similar in length to Titanic, Return of the King.

In short: Shut up, people.

I don’t think he actually gives a shit if you decide to watch his movie however you want. He was asked for his thoughts about why he didn’t create a mini series and gave an honest answer.

Tom Petty died in 2017 so there’s that. 

It makes me wonder whether films that used to be shown with intermissions, like “Reds” or “Gandhi,” would actually be films if they were made today, and instead be Netflix miniseries.

Not sure how I feel about this, the racial politics feel a bit tonedeaf as only a white liberal trying to subvert expectations while still trying to get woke cred can make them. But hey, it’s the first time anyone’s paid Don Johnson to sing in what, thirty years? Also Redford’s got to actually show up at some point,

Adrian Veidt’s butler was played by Tom Mison! Otherwise known as Ichabod Crane in the sadly only one season (shut up) Sleepy Hollow!

I am thinking Irons’ Veidt was kidnapped by Dr. Manhattan and is kept under “house arrest,” probably on Mars in an artificial construct. That fits the evidence everyone is giving for Irons being Dr. Manhattan himself (the appearance of the building on Mars, the artificiality of his servant companions, the fact that

I am 100% Team Shiv (sorry) but I was not liking the last couple of episodes of her being, to my mind, written in such a way that I thought was not quite honest to her character, specifically a naivete in gauging the sincerity of her Dad. And this episode was going there again. A brilliantly acted lunch conversation