
Late reply but no, not everyone lives in houses like that. Those are specifically wealthy people, and not only that but southern California wealthy (cost of living is much higher). Realtor commissions would be pretty huge.

The finale... I need to discuss... please post a review!

Reminds me my ex-husband almost NEVER said my name over 18 years together. I didn’t realize how strange it was until I got with my current person who calls out my name occasionally to get my attention or refers to me by name when we’re with others.

I wanted to see Tyrion digging for a while through the rubble. Pulling brick after brick like a madman with edits to show the passage of time, sweat and dust, bloody knuckles until finally he sees the the golden hand, and finds the rest of them. It was waay too easy. I mean, we’re led to believe it was a massive

There was some blood on their faces. My issue was the ease of Tyrion getting down there. How was any of that area still accessible?

I remember someone came up with: Heeey nerds, it’s time to watch Gameofthrooooones...

It’s that darned honor.

This! I don’t understand everyone’s confusion - yes, she decided she was Ayra Stark and not No One because she wanted to remember her purpose - vengeance for her family. Now there’s no one left to kill. She was reunited with her family for a time but now it’s her time to do whatever the fuck she wants. Absolutely in

Re: Grey Worm and Jon - I think he meant to use him as a bargaining chip. Bargaining for what I have no idea. Ships to Naath? Money for the journey? A few lines of dialog from him could have cleared it up.

He was a valuable prisoner, though.

I keep seeing that the reason she didn’t go full-blown Targaryen earlier on was because of the positive influence of Jorah and Missandei and, when he wasn’t being a moron, Tyrion. Not sure how I feel about it yet.

It would have been nice for them to show this rather than, say, showing Tyrion arranging chairs. I assume Jon went straight to GW and turned himself in. GW decided to keep him prisoner as bait or a political pawn to deal with the lords and ladies.

He was the only one who could gather support from the northmen, Dany and her dragons to kill the Night King’s army - or at least keep them at bay while Ayra figured out how to sneak in and kill him.

I think it was a political ploy for Grey Worm to keep Jon prisoner. He knew his value (obviously) to the other lords and ladies. What Grey Worm wanted to negotiate, I’m not sure. The Unsullied and Dothraki report to GW since he was named head of Dany’s armies so anything they’d do would be on his orders.

I agree. I personally still have whiplash from the Jamie and Dany turnarounds, I think I need more time to process.

I’m rewatching the series and was really struck by how good the Casterly Rock dragon attack looks in comparison to this season.

I guess so but they definitely gave Ramsay the upper hand waay too many times.

Right?? I was certain he was gonna go. She despises him and has already tried to have him killed multiple times. Maybe it was for appearances?

Stephen King tweeted about how difficult that is and how impressed he was with the writers being able to get all the players in one spot for the last episode.

He’s gonna pull a murder/suicide.