
At least Missandei would have had some agency.

You are so right and this made me so, so sad! She’s definitely one of the only reasons I’ve kept watching.

I didn’t think I’d see a worse character than Ramsay.

White or black Missandei was fridged, pure and simple. Killed just to drive the protagonist (I think they want us to see Dany as the protag, not sure though) to action. It’s just lazy writing and I suspect was also done for shock value. I agree with you on the whole outrage culture thing, though.

That scene was like watching horrible shippy fan-fiction come to life.

Apparently this show is allergic to good CGI. Yes, I understand it’s TV but oof, some of those dragon shots...

Weren’t the northerners (and maybe rest of Westeros?) raised to hate or mistrust Targaryens? Because of the whole Mad King business?

I finally after all these years got a nice gaming PC. DA:I looks almost unrecognizable with the better graphics (compared to PS4). ME 2 and 3 are next.

You won’t be able to turn back after this point. *creates new save*

Nevermind - misunderstood which Origins you were referring to :)

Inquisition was sorely lacking more depiction of the mage/templar war, whether it was due to time, resources or both. There was such a build up to it and then it was just a few piddly bands fighting in the Hinterlands. I could be forgetting something, it’s been ages since I played it.

They could pull a Pillars of Eternity. Two games funded now through Kickstarter.

Did you play AC: Odyssey? The story was shockingly good and very BioWareish, wasn’t it? I just found the missions waaay too repetitive for such a massive world. Most quests boiled down to “infiltrate this fort/cave/temple to kill this guy to get this thing from them”, even the main missions!

Maybe. DAI’s MP was really popular, which surprised me at the time. As a huge DA fan I have zero expectations right now.

Not very scary, you should be fine. 

She was absolutely excellent in this but that’s one of the few positives I have to say about Us, unfortunately.

I enjoyed parts of it but yeah, gotta agree with a lot of what you said. And not one, but two exposition dumps!

I feel like it takes longer and longer for games to go on sale these days.

I’m with you on this. Not a fan of the modern day framing device on any of the AC games but I deal with it because it’s been short enough. Not sure if you played Origins but it was so brief in that one (thankfully) that it didn’t turn me off of the game.

Or the ole’ “you must be a lesbian”, as if that in and of itself is an insult.