
I don’t understand this at all because The Americans is more relevant than ever!

I am currently obsessed with that episode.

Is it a horse aging thing? Like how dogs age every seven years to a human’s one (or whatever it is)?


What is it with shovels and suburban animal control? Twice in my life someone in my family beaned a raccoon and a skunk with a shovel.

I’m aware of the noise genre (like Merzbow) but never heard of harsh noise. Is that a new thing or am I just horribly out of touch?

I was born in 1975 but I consider myself an 80's kid.

Yeah I thought about this - I still would have loved it had it been set in current day. Okay, so maybe most kids wouldn’t be out after dark unsupervised these days, but it’s possible if it was clearly set in a small quiet town. The 80's callbacks were just window dressing.

Not sure if you’re mentioning Deadwood as a sort of by-the-way comment or you’re directly comparing, because there is no comparison in my opinion. I enjoyed Stranger Things a lot, in the way someone enjoys a great rollercoaster (or whatever ride floats your boat) but Deadwood is on a whole other level.

It’s annoying how we can’t be enthusiastic about something these days without the inevitable backlash and the endless justifications from those who continue to like the thing despite the backlash. Stranger Things was well done, a hell of a lot of fun, it wasn’t perfection but what is? Some people liked it, some were

I totally agree with you. Based on what we were shown about the older brother The Clash doesn’t really track. Not anything that upset me too much, though.

True, of course he only cares about himself but... I dunno, when he started crying and got on his knees it threw me. Although perhaps he’s never been that close to death before?

I can’t remember if we’ve seen his booty before but it’s poppin’.

Did anyone else see Littlefinger’s simpering to Sansa as out of character, just a bit? I kinda thought he’d be more like “well played” and go out with more dignity.


Really excited for this to be back soon! Never would have watched this if it weren’t for the urging of a good friend, for some reason the promos really turned me off.

When it's running 24 hours it becomes 23 hours of opinion shouting and 1 hour of actual news reporting. I hate it.

We need a return to journalism that's not entirely dependent on advertising dollars. But not state run, of course.

It's because of advertising.

But what does James Woods have to say?