
Talking about things divides us!!

Yeah. I voted for him and he pissed me off a couple of times with actions/inaction but through everything I always knew he was a good person at the core. Makes such a difference.


Yeah but you like, have a brain and stuff.

The evil has been defeated.

It's the same with killers that go on murdering sprees. They love the idea of their name plastered all over the news, think pieces and whatnot, even if it's a murder-suicide. If there was any justice their names would never be mentioned, just the victims.

Butthurt Brosephs
*adds to band name ideas list*

I always wonder if any of these people were actually raised by decent folks and they somehow got sucked into this shit or if they're all products of ingrained racism.

They think opportunity is a pie and if we give another slice to someone else they lose.

I saw that photo and I thought it was from the Onion at first.

I miss this show.

So they want slavery… but they want them to go back to Africa?

Yeah it's mostly a rhetorical line of thought I have sometimes.

I've always wanted to ask an open racist about this. How do they feel about slavery? They know that they were brought over unwillingly, right? Do they think that after slavery ended they should have all gotten back on boats? Who do they think should have paid for that? Or do they wish slavery was still around? My head

I keep seeing this "taking back" the country - from whom? Corporations? Because POC sure as shit don't own it.

I was just about to say - he could be talking about the counter-protestors for all we know.

Billy Bush?

She models!

This is an entertainment site.

I stopped in college when a guy I was dating asked me to. Turns out his brother was actually retarded and he'd put up with me saying it quite a bit before politely asking me to stop. I could actually feel myself grow a little that day. I felt so bad!!