
Mulatto cookies is hilarious for some reason (but yeah that words no good).

Nah, it's pretty clear you don't give a fuck.

It's also because people's inherent biases - they hear gangs and automatically think blacks and hispanics.

Woman can be self-hating, too.

"I really don't wanna!" is not a good enough reason to allow Trump to slither in, sorry. Everyone knew that Stein etc. had zero chance of winning, so it's a vote for Trump no matter how you slice it. Had everyone done the right thing and not voted third party or stayed at home because of their "principles", we could

I feel for you. I had to get off FB even well before the Trump disaster for this and other reasons. I didn't delete my account but I only check it for keeping in touch with certain family.

Harris/Johnson 2020 is my dream ticket actually (Kamala Harris), since Warren probably won't do it

I know it's closer to President Camacho than ever but damn I'd vote for him today.

This administration is dividing families for sure. It's amazing some on the right accused Obama of the same. It's like that voting receipt was also a license for Trumpers to openly act like assholes. They saw it as a "win" over the evil elites and Clinton empire, not realizing that we all lose.

I know it's their slogan. At this point we're beyond the pale. Remaining neutral almost seems irresponsible. Things are unquestionably horrible particularly when all independent media is being threatened on a regular basis along with the well being of our people. But those who disagree with me can read right-biased

I've noticed people tend to get really worked up about WaPo's op-ed pieces, which are the author's opinion and therefore biased. All news sources publish them.

As long as they're winning that's all they care about.

I'm afraid to ask my stepdad and pretty sure he's afraid to tell me and my brother. I'd rather just not know. If he did I know for sure he regrets it.

That was my exact thought during that scene.

For some reason I thought it was a good idea to eat steak frites and watch that episode…. no.

I thought it struggled a bit in the later seasons but he was definitely a high point. First two seasons were gold.

They haven't announced anything? Didn't it end on a cliffhanger?

What I desperately want is another season of The Wolf Among Us but they haven't made a peep about that. I know they made a Minecraft one, there's more GoT coming and probably Batman, and I'm sure more Borderlands (I actually really enjoyed that one).

Totally with you. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he showed up at my doorstep to hang out.