
I'm going through a divorce and my ex just confided to me that he went through a really rough period of dealing with it, and he didn't have anyone to talk to even though he has lots of "buddies". Felt really bad for him (it's very amicable) since I had loads of friends I could call up to meet me for a drink, talk,

My grandmother couldn't deal with the loss of my grandfather, so even though she was otherwise fairly healthy for her age she deteriorated rapidly and died six months later. This despite having a close family consisting of two children, grandkids and great-grandkids. It still puzzles me because even though I loved the

I can't decide if I'm over Telltale games or not. I found myself feeling underwhelmed with TWD S3 until the last episode. Anyone else feeling a little fatigued with their output? I really really enjoyed Game of Thrones but I got really attached to the brothers and got PISSED when I had to choose between them. I know,

Yeah the "teen speak" was sooo bad in LiS, but I ended up loving it anyway.

I'd hold off on judging Clementine's characterization until you finish it.

Yeah I really dislike the updated graphics - they tried to take 3D character modeling and slap on the 2D outlines which doesn't work.

It'll be Morgana all over again.

I wasn't expecting to like Bash as much as I did - good job show for not just making him a rich spoiled douche.
Great show, Carmen stole my heart - can't wait for next season.

I think she meant there's not much new TV to review in the immediate future.

This reminds me of a friend of mine who would always sneer at women in bands, at shows - she's musically inclined and she'd say "Big deal, I could do that". I'd always say "Oh yeah? Well you didn't, and they did, so…". If it wasn't already obvious she has self esteem issues that she's working through.

I went on a date with a guy who worked on a documentary for years about something he struggled with, then ended up releasing it shortly after another person's doc about the same thing. People then accused him of stealing the idea, I saw the YouTube comments on his trailer, and his was often confused with the other. It

It's cool when it happens by accident, or organically, but otherwise yeah I agree.

My parents had to cosign for the loans - obviously I had zero credit at the time - but yeah, I had to pay it off.

Hot take!

Most people I knew had some sort of encyclopedia set in their homes, there were cheaper brands you could get at the grocery store and the like. We were straight up middle class, though.

Yes! Media likes to portray it differently, unfortunately.

BOBS over Baghdad!

My cat was entranced by the frog/bug thing.

Shit - better stop watching now and save these for the rowing machine sessions.

Usually Cronenberg or Brothers Quay