
I've always thought of them as one film, so I can't really pick.

I have friends that are ten years older than me. Met them in social settings.

It's awesome to watch in a bar.

There is (or was) in the FL panhandle. Chocolate sauce drizzled on the burger.

A burger place near my hometown used to have a burger with chocolate sauce on it.

Floor is a bit of a misnomer

This looks wonderful and I'm sure I'll cry multiple times from the pure implications of such a movie (and the badassery of the beautiful ladies).

If someone is snuggling with you then yes, they're attracted. People generally don't get that far if they're not. You could always ask.

Too soon!

Strange, I too had a very dry spell and all of a sudden it's picking up. Maybe because finals are over and summer's here (not technically but you know)?

Try reentering the market at 41 after 18 years in a relationship! I get the butterflies and stuff too, but I'm learning to not take it so seriously and just hope eventually the right person surfaces. I also don't date anyone that's not at least open to a real relationship, because I know that's what I want someday,


Eye contact, look for dilating pupils. Playing with hair. Body language - turning their body toward you. Not crossing their arms. Fidgeting, voice going a bit higher, laughing at things you didn't think was that funny. Making plans with you to hang out again or agreeing to being asked out again without hesitation.

I'm a child of divorce and talking to other adults who were kids in similar situations, it's generally a bad idea just to stay together for the sake of the kid. They can pick up on the tension, believe me, even if you don't fight. I still remember that all these years later. Kids are so perceptive. The way I see it

I did the same thing - constantly second guessing, thinking it's not so bad - until one day I just found myself firmly in the "it's time" frame of mind and it didn't swing back the other way.

I'm going through a divorce right now, early 40's after 12 years of marriage and 18 years together. I could type out a long response but - you just know when it's time. It took us about 3 years to come to that realization, when it really became obvious that things were deteriorating, and when we did it was

To do something you don't even want to do to make a point or to spite someone (i.e., eat pork when you're not even hungry and had been bingeing on it all day) isn't exactly mature. If he was hungry and ordered it confidently at dinner in front of them, that would be an assertion. IMO of course.

I saw in the movie theater for some reason. Armageddon too.

What about Deep Impact? I can't ever think about one without the other.

Oh so you went with voice acting too huh?