

Let's watch it at my place, you bring the popcorn!

I've never seen this movie and I don't know why, I love dumb action flicks.

It wasn't??

It's frustrating to see people respond to criticisms here by saying "you just don't get it". I get it, I get Lynch, and I'm enjoying it, but I'd like to see some forward momentum by next episode. Also, as my friend put it, I want to see more Twin Peaks in Twin Peaks.

Also that kid had money and she could be the millionaire paying people to monitor that black box.

For a second I thought you were talking about THE Trouble from the 70's/80's.

Thank you!!

Agreed. I've been enjoying this season but it's been ages since I'd seen 1 and 2, so I went back and rewatched, remembering them being much stranger than they actually were. I was pretty surprised how mostly straightforward and conventional the old episodes were, with some notable exceptions of course. I guess for the

I'm honestly wondering why they didn't do a morph - budget constraints?

I wonder what that says about me? I do love Christopher Reeve's Clark, though.

There's so much more to the character Wonder Woman than her physical strength. And not all of us have great role models in our personal lives. It's awesome that you do.

Upvoted in sympathy

And they had mussed hair and very little makeup! The nerve!

And playing guitar

In my screening it got strangely quiet during that scene. Tears were streaming down my face, of course.

And older women too in both films! Swoon

Would you be asking the same question if it was a Batman movie with all men doing the round table?

It's really weird but I've always found Superman a bit cheesy and boring, but always unabashedly loved WW.

No disrespect to the actor, but how does the god embodies a physical ideal concept work with Ares? He's not ugly or anything but definitely didn't strike me as a god. At first I thought he'd shape-shifted but then they showed that flashback.