
Well none of the humans knew who she was yet, and don't they give her that name at some point? I haven't seen BvS. On Justice League the TV show I think they always called her Diane.

It's because we never see that in media! Also they weren't just models, they actually looked like athletes.

You mean appearance-wise?

It wasn't that it was unnatural per se, just rushed. Should have said rushed instead of forced. They'd just met and she'd literally never seen a man before. I thought they had excellent chemistry and their interactions were fun, but it seems we can't have a female protag in these types of movies be close with a dude

I had a baby in my screening who started crying during the first minute but thankfully I didn't hear much after that. It was odd because I haven't seen a baby in a movie in years, but that probably speaks to how infrequently I go.

I also teared up during the trailer (I think the first) when she's on the battlefield.

Like Mad Max: Fury Road this film wasn't afraid to cast actually older women, who have wrinkles and look their age. I hope this trend continues.

I started just leaving then finding them on YouTube later.

AFAIK they're only immortal when they leave that island, but I could be wrong.

Right, agreed. I didn't hate it, I guess I just thought it largely unnecessary. Could have had the banter without falling in love. And the big scream - meeh. I did like how they inverted the character gets fridged so the protagonist can grow and learn something trope.

Just got out of the theater, still processing. Overall I had a blast, wished we didn't have a forced romantic subplot, though.

I just watched the finale finally! Holy shit so many good things:

I laughed so hard - who doesn't know what wistful means??

That or they think "I'm only gonna have a couple" and then by the time they're wasted their reasoning goes out the window. Also a lot of people don't realize how drunk they are in the moment - I can get like that sometimes which is why I always Lyft now, but I didn't always.

I feel you. I spent years working office "corporate" jobs and got used to having most holidays off, now I'm doing the same thing but at a restaurant. We're open today and I'm here working like some sort of sucker even though it's not that busy and all of our vendors are off.

Ew no

Is he difficult to work with or asks for too much money?

Not sure if deaf people were offended by this Garbage Pail Kid card when it was released, but fair point. I thought the joke was that he became deaf after being so stupid to blast the boom box right next to his head. It's always been a favorite card of mine because of the artwork, but if it offends anyone I'll gladly

Yeah, I don't remember Osment being chubby, he just had that creepy/cute thing going on. Also he was a really good actor.

Culkin is a bit weird but I hear he's a pretty decent guy.