
I've been thinking about learning it. Seems incredibly useful. I used to know the whole alphabet.

I freakin' love your username! And yeah, just finally finished the series to find it's only reviewed up to this episode, disappointing.

I'd say Colin Farrell and Jeff Goldblum.

Hmm, as a big fan of the book I remember being let down by the miniseries of The Stand. Maybe I should give it another go?


Lady Road House

He's not attractive to me in the least, even without the abhorrent personality.

Strongest specific memory is playing with a shitload of figurines, had to have been 1980, that belonged to my Dad's girlfriend's son who was I think 10? He wanted nothing to do with a five year-old girl, but the parents made us "play" together while they watched TV so he just ignored me and read comics while I oohed

I checked out around the time when he fought Ra's in Tibet (and "died"), is it worth coming back?

And then I saw Steve in the closet and then Steve looked at me

I'm rewatching the original now - realizing there's a buttload I don't remember.

The Pussy-Grabbin President

I thought he was painting them for a ceremonial groundbreaking. Why/who/how/what, I have no idea.

So did Bob create the doppelganger? Where did this second Cooper come from?

There are rumors that the divorce papers were ready to go before he won - not sure if it was the primaries or the general. Then I got to thinking - why would it be so terrible to have a bachelor president? I already know the answer, more of a rhetorical question, but it's pretty fucking silly in the year 2017.

Remember the freakout when Barack wore that tan suit?

I dunno, the floating head guy was pretty terrifying. Also keep in mind that Lynch probably would have done more back in the day but the technology/money wasn't there.


I mentioned the light somewhere down here.

Wait, I thought Jacc was doing a bit?