
Joan Chen's character being the big exception.


Because games, especially highly anticipated sequels, have to build up anticipation and hype for sales. They carefully plan out their marketing strategies and timing of the release of info. And they can't have any story details getting out. Of course sometimes there's leaks.

No apologies necessary! I was a casual fan back in the day and certainly didn't participate in discussions. There's a lot I've forgotten.

Ah - so just Coop going nuts or something?

This might have already been pointed out but was the blinking flashlight a reference/homage to the flickering light over Laura Palmer at the coroner's?

The group I was with cackled at that maintenance man's cell phone - it looked like a Samsung Note on steroids.

Are you saying he retconned Bob possessing Cooper in the finale?

I love horror, I watched the first two with a group and I'm honestly nervous about watching them again alone in my apartment.

That whole scene had shades of Tarantino.

An apropos metaphor

All I've heard is how beautiful it is. I originally hail from Fl but spent my adult life in Chicago.

Maybe it's Dale shining through?

That last box scene was amazing, I can't stop thinking about it

I thought Lillard was fantastic.

The overdyed black hair is what made him remind me of Michael Madsen

The Evolution of the Arm thing reminded me of a Tool video. I watched the first two episodes at a friend's house, I just might have to subscribe to Showtime now…

It was way more scary than I remember the initial show being, but it's been a long time since I've seen it. I really loved the first two episodes.

I saw that movie during a snowstorm while visiting NYC and I really don't remember anything about it.

I'm 41, grew up in South Florida, went to Disney World almost every summer and loved all the movies but I never liked the actual cartoons except Goofy. Definitely a bigger WB fan.