
I'm sorry for your loss.

I was at a show the night of Cash's death and the sound guy got on the mic (it was before the band started and there was just music playing) asking for a moment of silence. He tried like three times and some morons just couldn't keep quiet, even with others shushing them, so he gave up. He sounded pretty pissed. I

Brandon Lee in The Crow

I think it's worth checking out Three's Company - not for the plot or anything but his comedic timing/physical comedy is a thing of beauty.

I'm still not over it

Yeah - I see it more like a symbol now than an actual expression of what I'm doing. Like shorthand for "that's hilarious". Of course 9 times out of 10 people really aren't laughing.

He's definitely at over-saturation levels for me. Especially because he appeared on SNL frequently even after he left then started popping up in every comedy.

This is so funny because I just was thinking how much I used to loathe LMAO and LOL, and would say "ha" or "heh" but now I use the two former regularly. I guess I just got worn down.

I'm so fucking happy this is back. And Episode 2…so far, sooooo funny.

That was one of the best Simpsons gags.

Same!! Except change that to rough two weeks.

I had a rush of messages when I first created it and it's majorly tapered off. I have a crazy amount of likes, though, whatever that means.

I do, actually.

You too! There's also the fact that the entire methodology of Tinder is often rendered moot since a lot of guys just swipe right on every single girl, then decide later who to interact with when they get matches. But anyway… life goes on!

Okay this is getting into my history a bit but I really disliked Bumble. I'm coming off a long marriage where I had to make all the effort to plan dates, vacations, just anything, and into the relationship in general, and was constantly feeling rejected. I just can't anymore and it messes with my self-esteem when I

I've thought "Oh man, this guy is STILL on here?" and then I realize… yeah.

The bathrooms are especially spot-on.

I'm picky as well. I didn't have any luck on Match or PoF but have done fine on OK Cupid and even Tinder. By fine I mean met some nice guys, a few duds, nobody spectacular. But I've only been doing this for about six (or eight??) months.

It really showcased how easy-going he is.

Me too!