
I heard a story about how the younger folks are getting burnt out on app dating and are starting to do "old fashioned" things like meetups.

Yeah. I know a couple who met on Tinder and are now married (happily) but I think those stories are pretty rare.

Yeah, I said this elsewhere but a list of don'ts is a yuuuge turnoff.

Are they current photos? Also not trying to be mean, just wondering. I had a date where I was instantly turned off when I laid eyes on him because his photos had all been clearly 5 - 10 years old (or more), when I saw him. I hate to sound superficial but he hadn't aged well at all.

Unfortunately I'm single again after a looong time, but I'm getting used to dating apps. I pass over any profiles that list a bunch of negatives. Like "Don't be like this, don't do that, if your picture is like this I'm swiping left". The guy always comes across as a bitter asshole. Just say something about yourself,…

I saw the Jesus Christ Pose video on Headbangers Ball and it was all over for me. I also wore out my Temple of the Dog cassette. Heartbroken for him, his friends and family. What a loss.

I was married to a musician/engineer/producer for a long time and your words ring true.

Just like suicide :(

It's not like she'd have gone to the police. The woman is trying to keep a low profile.

Gotta introduce a popular, non-threatening song in the final third.

Chicago is the same way about New York (in which Chicago = SF and NY = LA).

I just write as a hobby but nailing a compelling opening line is really, really difficult, and I'm blown away that she wrote that as a teenager. It instantly makes you want to find out more about the kid while also setting the scene.

From what I've read and heard it was particular to more rural areas in that time period.

As I stepped out into the bright sunlight…

Sounds like you had a decent babysitter, unlike mine who let us watch The Exorcist.

Wait who was Mickey Rourke? In the movie?

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! It's a timeless story.

Did they introduce that into curriculums later on? I read it on my own without it being assigned, grew up in the late 70s/80s.

It was such a weird time. Rocky IV is a pretty good illustration of how the American media treated the Soviets back then.

There was actually a Golden Girls episode that dealt with this, kind of. Dorothy answers an ad, starts dating a guy who is constantly accompanied by his sister. Turns out it's his dying wife who wanted to find him a suitable woman before she died.