
I don't know if you watch The Americans but I've been watching with a whole new perspective lately. And I grew up during the cold war.

I'll have the split-personality soup instead, please.

It IS refreshing to complain about something else!

Look, it's just gonna be some random rom-com you'll never even watch or probably be aware of. I wouldn't worry.

"My mother's beautiful, heartwarming story isn't for SALE!"

The Mindy Project did this too - I think she even admitted it in an interview.

He was doing it to make a point, which was childish IMO. Like you said he had just binged all day on pork. The adult thing to do would have been to take his parents aside privately and tell them he didn't want to put on a show for his relatives and they should respect his lifestyle and religious beliefs (or lack

I think it's much more difficult in other cultures (other than Christian/white). I feel the same way as you but I appreciate seeing another perspective.

Is Tanvi his cousin? Real-life relative?

I just found out he's dating Larry David's daughter.

My brother is extremely generous and would go broke every year buying really nice, thoughtful Christmas gifts. The kicker is he would put more effort and money into gifts for his friends than his own family. It was only recently he started to realize that his friends weren't coming close to reciprocating.

Not about gift-giving but to this day my dad thinks I like shopping at the mall, gabbing on the phone and sleeping late. I'm 41 years old and have loathed malls since I became an adult, can only stand about 15 minutes on the phone max and have been waking up at 7am to go to work for the last 20~ years.

Gift cards. I had to initiate with my family after getting hideous clothing and jewelry year after year, and my mother is extremely picky so she was never really satisfied (although she tried to be nice about it). Everyone's much happier. Sometimes we'll do short lists to choose from. Also only immediate family

His insults are normally well-crafted, almost poetic.

Frankenstein's bulemic daughter - that line slayed me.

No label in their right mind would drop a band based on social media posts alone.

It looks to me they're just reporting that the label dropped them and they're refunding fans. I don't see any accusations.

This is true. Middle class and poor Republicans worship these rich fucks because deep down they too feel like they could make it someday , despite the historical proof that trickle-down economics has never worked. What's even funnier about it is if they'd support more regulations and strict incentives for businesses,

But if any people of his base were to turn on him, it would be the "flyover" folks first before his well-to-do and suburban upper middle class supporters.

He has a big base of retirees. Not poor but collecting modest retirement pay. Namely my hometown which was just profiled in an article for being a big Trump area.