
They won't abandon him over those issues, true. Once their healthcare coverage disappears and jobs don't materialize, they'll start turning. The problem is that it might take the entire four years for that to happen.

I just read a comment on WaPo - multiple by the same person actually - that they will never turn their back on him and they put loyalty above all other virtues. I know it's just some rando but it's not a stretch to think that there are a lot of people who feel that way.

This makes it even worse. Self promotion over being a decent sensible human.

Katrina's increased presence was the beginning of the end for me.

The only reason I can think of is he's related to or has some sort of close relationship with the producers/director/whoever? Because like everyone else has said - he's not bankable and it's already an American story. It's utterly ridiculous either way.

Try and take care of yourself. Shit's fucked.



Anyone? Anyone? The Polly-Smoot Tariff..

I've pretty much been in a constant state of cognitive dissonance since the primaries.

What about Ja Rule?

This will be SNL's next cold open.

And Republicans back then weren't so much party over country.

The erosion of the middle class started in the late 70s but otherwise…yeah.

Yeah, we've taken all the fun out of it.

Or the Challenger explosion

To me, Erlich's treatment of Jian Yang when he kept trying to screw him out of the apartment was more offensive.

It might not exist because you can just use Google and go with the top search results of "fennel recipes". Of course, it's not as fun. I wish I had seen this when I was in coding school, I would have made this for my final project!

I've had just about enough of your Stanford bashing, young lady!

They already have apps for blind people that use image recognition, and from what I saw it's astonishingly accurate. A voice reads out what's in front of the camera. It's not a stretch to load up code for food shapes, colors, even textures and match it to existing recipes, cross referencing thousands of images. It