
It was pretty amazing how he asked them if anyone spoke Mandarin, then started that bullshit.

Honestly I'm at the point now where I want to see Gilfoyle one-upped, at least once. Or humiliated. My memory's been shit lately so maybe it already happened. And I say this as someone who loves the character.

I don't think he's on there anymore but Reggie (the jock from the Archie comics) was played by an Asian guy on Riverdale.

They may overstate it in desperation to have their voices heard. It's natural. Take your initial post for example, multiply that times ten and make it even nastier, and that's what women hear on a regular basis from men on the internet. It's exhausting and frustrating. Most reasonable people wouldn't tell you that you

You're free to think that. I said "seems more probable" because of the rise of Christian fundamentalism in government, in the right wing. All you have to do is research and educate yourself (if you're interested) on the proposed legislation and recently passed legislation in some states banning access or making it

It's astonishing how severely you've missed the point. Of course The Handmaid's Tale doesn't represent the now, it represents a possible future which, based on all the attention on regulating women's bodies lately, seems more probable than ever.

He's doing just fine.

Yeah back then it was all about the mechanics, not the look. Now I get really pissed about lazy graphics/animations in games (unless it's part of the style).

I just had an intense wave of nostalgia seeing that art. I knew it was missle something.

Heroin, I think.

Using the Serpents somehow to buy/sell.

I got the impression that the characters very much did not think incest was okay.

It completely depends on your perspective and culture. Some people don't care, some are squicked by it. I don't really see the point these days with increased mobility, esp if you're gonna have kids and with everything that we've learned about genetics.

I really like this theory. When Cheryl said "You did a bad thing, Daddy" she could have meant that he allowed himself to be filmed and they were all in on it. And maybe the tears were her realizing that the truth was about to come out.

Ramsay Bolton Knows Best

It can be sexual but more often than not in current vernacular it means servitude or subservience or humiliation in sports. Like making someone do your laundry for a week for losing a bet or beating them at basketball.

Just because it's used in that context does not mean that was the source of the term. Words get adopted to other things all the time.

Heh, Pepes.

I laughed, I cried, I felt like I got some insight into police politics.

Ah thanks for reminding me of that show! Loved it.