
Yeah she was pretty famous for acting nutty back then.

It's one of my all-time favorites. I'm willing to give this a chance but I won't get my hopes up too much.

I hope so.

Unfortunately the entire grade of kindergarten has been eliminated due to cutbacks.

Virgin Walk With Me

Ace of Base?

I love it. Brings the house down at karaoke, too.


What about a man with a man with a gun?

I wish my aging tummy could handle dairy better or I'd be eating a lot more Chobani.

Do they have a rhubarb one or did I dream that? (yes I know Google exists but this is more fun)

Also I can't stand anyone who thinks they can decide what a real man, woman, anything is. Same for "family values" and "real Americans". The idea that there's only one "real" way is infuriating to me - aaaarrrggghh

Only Noosa comes close to being as good as Fage but they kind of cheat with the delicious flavors added in. If you're just going for pure, thick yogurt Fage can't be beat IMO. I don't even like the watery crap.

You tell 'em puss!

You'd probably have to do it for free.

I feel silly for asking but why are Gavin and Steven Tobolowsky partners? I don't remember that happening last season.

His commercials come on Hulu.

White Fanging!

Billy Bob had a sexy redneck vibe though, I could see the appeal.

I don't like the Punisher. He's coarse and irritating and gets everywhere.