
Physical media deteriorates, unless you only watch it once or twice but then what would be the point of purchasing? I took good care of my CD collection and still most of them had playback issues after a while.

I thought about canceling then started watching The Great British Baking Show

And you feel like you gotta hurry up and watch them all or be spoiled.

Remember when kids were off limits?

Is Joe Rogan one of these dingalings? Because I was hanging out with a guy who was a huge Rogan fan and I need more reasons to feel ok about ending things.

Oh yeah! Can't believe I forgot that.

I dunno. I wasn't trying to make a snarky point or anything, I was truly asking because I was drawing a blank.

That's why I said not wanting or having, meaning planned or unplanned. On You're The Worse Lindsay decided to keep her baby and didn't Gretchen say she'd probably want kids eventually?

Have there been any women protagonists portrayed as not wanting or having children and being fulfilled? I can only think of Robin from HIMYM, even though she became a stepmother (assuming she and Ted got married).

The creators did say this was more of an epilogue and yet the promos and media made such a big deal out of the final episode.

I too had a friend like that, had to cut ties. Not in a dramatic way I just let it die off.

I thought they showed that they coddled her and this is the fallout. Remember how appalled she was when they put their foot down with her for the first time and refused to keep giving her money? Kids don't become entitled and bratty out of the blue.


Because every woman I've known that has given birth their mom or mother in law was there for the birth and stayed for at least a few days if not two weeks after the baby was born. Even the ones who aren't super close with their mothers, and we've seen how close Hannah and Loreen are. My grandmother who hated flying

Hear hear

Pepperidge Farm remembers

I'm almost positive Loreen was there for the birth and immediately after, to help them get settled. The baby was over a month old. Maybe she was there for the first week then went home?

From what my mother-friends have told me it's a very divisive issue among parents. Women are shamed if they can't or don't breastfeed because they're not giving the necessary nutrients and bonding the child supposedly needs, according to studies. Wasn't much of an issue in the 70s and 80s when I grew up. It's just yet

I took it as a double meaning - Hannah is having trouble latching onto motherhood.

Classic repression and/or inability to see breasts as serving any purpose other than providing sexual pleasure.