
I never thought I’d say this, but let’s get some more snooker stories up in here.

Kushner will just add FBI director to his resume.

Nixon tried something similar during Watergate. I am not saying that Trump or his people committed treason or a high crime, just that this is the move that a petty dictator who committed treason or a high crime might pull.

I wonder which wildly unqualified idiot Trump is going to pick to replace him.

Yeah, I mean, if one of the main reasons you did a ‘nice’ thing was so someone could thank you for it, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons, and possibly not that nice.

Amen. I can relax with one when she’s there, but then the questions start coming when I go for a 2nd or 3rd. Yes, I really do need another, thank you for asking.

The guy who expects a thank you for landscaping is a real asshole. Shut the fuck up, man. If you want a thank you, maybe do something helpful baby-wise, like adopt the kid and allow the parents to live normal lives.

I’m really disappointed to learn you can’t change your own wiper blades. It’s a 30 second job, and fresh blades are $10 for the pair at Costco. Man up, Drew.

Drinking alone is sooooo good. I can go out and be social at the bars with my single friends, but after a while I just start thinking about the “free” beer in my fridge and how I could be drinking it without having to wear pants or listen to people talk.

“his outsized ‘Dark Knight’ persona. One teammate described a ‘sense of alienation’ that Harvey created around himself.”

Postings like this are probably why it is good I don’t have F you money. I’d have a garage full of Subaru Brats, odd gigantic barge wagons from the 70's, a 90's Roadmaster Estate with a big block swap for no reason, obscure Mazdas, a Nissan Figaro, and probably a diesel Mitsu Delica star wagon for good measure. Jay

Wow, this is worse than I thought. She also makes people wait in line behind her while she writes a check. Definitely needs to get help.

But I just love watching that blacktop fly.

Do people really do that?

While I understand the intended functionality of the pee flap, I have never, ever seen or even heard of anyone actually using it. What is the point? Who actually threads their yorkie through that porthole to take a leak??

While I understand the intended functionality of the pee flap, I have never, ever seen or even heard of anyone

There’s a shot of it in there. Look again.

Perfectly encapsulating the 90's kid experience.

The sins of the father are not the sins of the son. We should shower him. With praise.

The president should take vacations, but what this guy is doing is just abusing the shit out of a privilege that we all pay for—or perhaps more accurately we make payments on it while sinking deeper and deeper into the debt that self-described “fiscal conservatives” pretend to care about whenever they are out of

With no supercharger and a lack of power, this Durango is more of a quiet riot.